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ISBN10: 1260026701 | ISBN13: 9781260026702
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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What do Mark Cuban, Steve Case, Sanjay Gupta, Donna Shalala, and Christina Aguilera all have in common? They are all Junior Achievement alumni who developed an entrepreneurial attitude about their life’s work!
In this landmark book, Larry Farrell, the world’s most experienced authority on researching and teaching entrepreneurship, has partnered with JA to bring their combined vast experience directly to you. In The Entrepreneurial Attitude, Farrell reveals his latest research on the four fundamental practices of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs: Sense of Mission, Customer/Product Vision, High-Speed Innovation, and Self-Inspired Behavior.
He then brings those proven practices to life through interviews with seventy high-achieving JA alumni across 35 countries including AOL founder Steve Case, CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta, British MP David Lammy, Hong Kong biotech entrepreneur Eric Chen, social entrepreneur Fernando Tamayo in Peru, non-profit pioneer Sheikha Hessa al-Khalifa in Bahrain, Journalist Adedayo Fashanu in Nigeria, and President of the Clinton Foundation Donna Shalala.
This powerful combination illustrates for the first time that having an entrepreneurial attitude is the key to success in any career in any field: a business start-up or a large corporation, social enterprise, the traditional professions, government, or even the arts. Farrell also provides application planning exercises, helping you to apply the entrepreneurial basics to your own chosen field.
Introduction: Getting the Entrepreneurial Attitude -- Why It's So Important for Young People in Today's Global Economy
Part 1: The Four Fundamental Practices of the World's Great Entrepreneurs
Chapter 1: Sense of Mission -- Creating an Entrepreneurial Strategy and Culture
Chapter 2: Customer/Product Vision -- My Customer, My Product, My Self-Respect
Chapter 3: High-Speed Innovation -- The Necessity to Invent, the Freedom to Act
Chapter 4: Self-Inspired Behavior -- Love What You Do and Get Very Good At Doing It
Chapter 5: What's Really Required -- The Three Requirements
Part 2: JA's Seven Competencies: The Entrepreneurial Attitude in Action
Chapter 6: Goal Orientation and Initiative: Having a Self-Starting Nature and Proactive Approach
Chapter 7: Leadership and Responsibility: Taking Ownership of a Project, Group, or Task
Chapter 8: Creativity: Engaging Imagination to Create and Innovate
Chapter 9: Teamwork: Cooperating and Working with Others to Achieve a Common Goal
Chapter 10: Perseverance: Completing Tasks and Goals Despite Difficulties or Delays
Chapter 11: Resourcefulness: Observing Situations and Skillfully Addressing Difficulties
Chapter 12: Self-Efficacy: Having Belief or Confidence in Your Ability to Succeed
Conclusion: The Entrepreneurial Attitude -- Doing Something Great With Your Life!
Applications: My Entrepreneurial Start-Up Action Plan
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