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ISBN10: 007184905X | ISBN13: 9780071849050

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Bridge the gap between basic and clinical science with this authoritative guide to neuroscience
Created by an expert team of neuroscience educators, this comprehensive guide delivers the knowledge and insight you need to build your understanding of neuroscience—quickly and easily. Divided into two parts, the guide offers a thorough treatment of the basic science of the anatomy and function of the nervous system, as well an extended treatment of nervous system disorders and therapeutics.
Packed with 500 color illustrations, Essentials of Modern Neuroscience provides both clinical content and numerous cases in an engaging, simple-to-understand style. It includes the strong pedagogy that makes LANGE basic science titles so popular and provides chapter-opening Learning Objectives, bulleted chapter summaries, and application boxes.
- Covers both basic science and clinical cases for full mastery of the topic
- Organized to mirror the way medical schools teach neuroscience
- Presents information in a way that fosters maximum retention
- Unique chapters cover addiction, affective disorders, and neurologic diseases
Part I: Cellular Neuroscience
1. Neurohistology
2. Origin of the membrane potential
3. Action potential
4. Single ion channels and gating mechanisms
5. Ion channel structure-function
6. Ion channel diversity and regulation
7. Ion channel diseases
8. Fundamentals of synaptic transmission
9. Synaptic plasticity
10. Neurotransmitter release
11. Neurotransmitter reuptake
Part II: Molecular & Developmental Neuroscience
1. Axon guidance
2. Synapse formation
3. Dendrite formation
4. Gliogenesis
5. Corticogenesis
6. Neuronal migration
7. Neurogenesis and neuronal stem cells
Part III: Sensory & Systems Neuroscience
1. Genes, circuits and behavior
2. Human neurogenetics
3. Visual systems
4. Auditory systems
5. Olfactory systems
6. Motor systems
7. Pain and somatosensory
8. Learning
9. Cognitive neuroscience
10. Affective disorders
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