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ISBN10: 1260452611 | ISBN13: 9781260452617
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Make business decisions with the same confidence and clarity as the world’s best sports coaches.
When the pressure is on, great coaches remain laser-focused, confident, and fully in charge of their roster. They’re the same way when it comes to developing strategies and game plans to succeed. In short, they always win because they have a superior decision-making process.
Game-Time Decision Making provides everything you need to up your decision-making game and build a championship-level business. It takes you step by step through the process of:
• Putting together an all-pro team with diverse skillsets
• Building a positive mindset that will overwhelm the competition
• Developing a keen awareness of "the playing field"
• Learning from failures so you never make the same mistake twice
• Creating both offensive and defensive strategies for branding and marketing
When you have everything in place to make quick, accurate calls in the toughest of situations, you have what you need to dominate your industry.
Game-Time Decision Making is a proven playbook for positioning yourself for success. From creating and utilizing the best tactics and strategies to leading your company through times of change, this is your playbook for total business success.
Foreword by Tilman Fertitta, chairman and CEO of Landry's, and owner of the Golden Nugget Casinos and the NBA's Houston Rockets
CHAPTER 1 Putting Together Your Roster by Building Yourself
CHAPTER 2 Offensive/Defensive Mindset
CHAPTER 3 Coaching Trees and Growth
CHAPTER 4 Don’t Trip on the First-Down Chains Behind You
CHAPTER 5 Being in the Game
CHAPTER 6 The Offense and Defense of Branding
CHAPTER 7 The Offense and Defense of Marketing
CHAPTER 8 The Offense and Defense of Communication
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