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ISBN10: 0072878134 | ISBN13: 9780072878134

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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A History of Women in America integrates the stories of women in America into the national narrative of American history. By weaving women's lives into the heart of the country's narratives, readers will see women where they were, rather than having them appear as appendages to events controlled largely by men. Coryell and Faires use accessible language, telling stories that will attract beginning scholars to the field of history. Major ethnic groups are incorporated, from Native American and African women who appear earliest in the text, to the major immigrant groups, such as Hispanic, Latina, Chicana, and Asian women, who occupy increasingly larger roles throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
List of Illustrations
1 Native Women and European Encounters 2 Women Colonists in Seventeenth-Century English America 3 From Colonies to Nation: The Eighteenth Century 4 Women in the New Nation 5 Rights Contested 6 Reconstruction, Resistance, and Reform 7 New Century, New Woman 8 Good Times, Hard Times, Wartime 9 Cold War, Warm Hearth 10 Feminism and Ferment 11 Backlash and The Third Wave
Epilogue: The Contemporary EraCreditsIndex
1 Native Women and European Encounters 2 Women Colonists in Seventeenth-Century English America 3 From Colonies to Nation: The Eighteenth Century 4 Women in the New Nation 5 Rights Contested 6 Reconstruction, Resistance, and Reform 7 New Century, New Woman 8 Good Times, Hard Times, Wartime 9 Cold War, Warm Hearth 10 Feminism and Ferment 11 Backlash and The Third Wave
Epilogue: The Contemporary EraCreditsIndex
2 Women Colonists in Seventeenth-Century English America 3 From Colonies to Nation: The Eighteenth Century 4 Women in the New Nation 5 Rights Contested 6 Reconstruction, Resistance, and Reform 7 New Century, New Woman 8 Good Times, Hard Times, Wartime 9 Cold War, Warm Hearth 10 Feminism and Ferment 11 Backlash and The Third Wave
Epilogue: The Contemporary EraCreditsIndex
4 Women in the New Nation 5 Rights Contested 6 Reconstruction, Resistance, and Reform 7 New Century, New Woman 8 Good Times, Hard Times, Wartime 9 Cold War, Warm Hearth 10 Feminism and Ferment 11 Backlash and The Third Wave
Epilogue: The Contemporary EraCreditsIndex
6 Reconstruction, Resistance, and Reform 7 New Century, New Woman 8 Good Times, Hard Times, Wartime 9 Cold War, Warm Hearth 10 Feminism and Ferment 11 Backlash and The Third Wave
Epilogue: The Contemporary EraCreditsIndex
8 Good Times, Hard Times, Wartime 9 Cold War, Warm Hearth 10 Feminism and Ferment 11 Backlash and The Third Wave
Epilogue: The Contemporary EraCreditsIndex
10 Feminism and Ferment 11 Backlash and The Third Wave
Epilogue: The Contemporary EraCreditsIndex
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