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ISBN10: 1259861902 | ISBN13: 9781259861901

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An up-to-date, self-contained introduction to the theory and applications of the finite element method
This thoroughly revised classic engineering textbook offers a broad-based overview of the finite element method. Written by a world-renowned mechanical engineering researcher and author, the book shows, step-by-step, how to calculate numerical solutions to steady-state as well as time-dependent problems. You also get detailed problems with worked-out solutions and downloadable programs that can be used and modified for real-world situations. Special attention is paid to applications that are important in bioengineering, fluid and thermal sciences, structural mechanics, and a host of applied sciences.
Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Fourth Edition, covers:
• Mathematical preliminaries and classical variational methods
• 1-D finite element models of second-order differential equations
• Applications to 1-D heat transfer and fluid and solid mechanics problems
• Finite element analysis of beams and circular plates
• Plane trusses and frames
• Eigenvalue and time-dependent problems in 1-D
• Numerical integration and computer implementation in 1-D
• Single-variable problems in two dimensions
• 2-D interpolation functions, numerical integration, and computer implementation in 2-D
• Flows of viscous incompressible fluids
• Plane elasticity
• 3-D finite element analysis
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