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ISBN10: 1266357793 | ISBN13: 9781266357794
Laboratory Manual for Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach
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Laboratory Manual for Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach is a compilation of decades of experience between the two authors, Steven Obenauf and Susan Finazzo. Their approach will add to your own cadre of techniques for effective teaching, and help your students avoid many of the common pitfalls encountered in the lab. This lab is very visually informative, and has a conversational approach which will entice student interest and facilitate learning and success in your course.
About the Author
Steven Obenauf
Steven Obenauf, Ph.D., has been teaching microbiology lectures and laboratories at Broward College since 1993. For six years before moving to the Fort Lauderdale area, he taught medical immunology and medical virology to first- and second-year medical students as well as first-year pharmacy students. His dedication to his students has led him to be a recipient of both Professor of the Year and Endowed Teaching Chair awards for undergraduate teaching and the “Golden Apple” teaching award bestowed by the graduating medical class. Dr. Obenauf is a registered microbiologist and belongs to both the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and National Association of Biology Teachers. For 10 years, he served as the secretary and newsletter editor for the Florida branch of ASM. He loves using various forms of technology as part of his teaching and has given workshops and mentored other faculty at his college on in-class and online technology tools. Dr. Obenauf is currently Professor of Biological Sciences at Broward College. This manual brings together two of his passions: microbiology and photography
Susan Finazzo
Susan Finazzo, M.S., Ph.D., has a diverse academic background with degrees in biology, geology, microbiology, and horticulture. Her background, clinical work experience, and innate interest in the living world have allowed her to teach a broad variety of subjects. Her first academic love has always been microbiology. Throughout the past 20 years, Dr. Finazzo has taught students at both the 2-year college level and university level. She is a member of the National Association of Biology Teachers and has held several leadership positions including serving as president in 2017. She has been nominated for several teaching and service awards, and has twice been the recipient of an Endowed Teaching Award. Dr. Finazzo is very interested in new pedagogical approaches and tools to address the learning styles of the millennial student.
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