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ISBN10: 1265086141 | ISBN13: 9781265086145
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Groundbreaking communication techniques to help professionals increase their impact and influence
Do you want to boost your success and well-being, while finding greater fulfillment and purpose in your life and work? Do you want to increase your influence and connection with people, and enjoy a more meaningful life?
You can achieve this, and so much more, through the power of Lift.
In Lift Your Impact, Richard Newman shares the groundbreaking communication techniques that can help you gain the results and respect you deserve. Inside, you'll discover a toolkit of proven, thoroughly researched and tested techniques that can help you:
- Lift your values, to give you internal confidence, alignment, and purpose.
- Lift your vision to create a better future and gain motivation and fulfilment.
- Lift your potential to overcome limiting habits and explore your true capabilities.
- Lift your storytelling to engage and influence people with your words.
- Lift your stakeholders to help those around you create greater success
- Lift your message to inspire and motivate people to act on your ideas.
- Lift your presence to naturally captivate those around you.
- Lift your performance to thrive in the moments that matter
- Lift your momentum to elevate your work, life, and legacy.
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