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Management Information Systems

ISBN10: 0073376817 | ISBN13: 9780073376813

Management Information Systems
ISBN10: 0073376817
ISBN13: 9780073376813
By James O'Brien and George Marakas

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

Instructor Information

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Overview: The benchmark text for the syllabus organised by technology (a week on databases, a week on networks, a week on systems development, etc.) taught from a managerial perspective. O&#39Brien defines technology and then explains how companies use the technology to improve performance. Real world cases finalise the explanation.

MODULE I Foundation Concepts

1.Foundations of Information Systems in Business

Section I Foundation Concepts: Information Systems in Business

Section II Foundation Concepts: The Components of Information Systems

2.Competing with Information Technology

Section I Fundamentals of Strategic Advantage

Section II Using Information Technology for Strategic Advantage

MODULE II Information Technologies

3.Computer Hardware

Section I Computer Systems: End User and Enterprise Computing

Section II Computer Peripherals: Input, Output, and Storage Technologies

4.Computer Software

Section I Application Software: End-User Applications

Section II System Software: Computer System Management

5.Data Resource Management

Section I Technical Foundations of Database Management

Section II Managing Data Resources

6.Telecommunications and Networks

Section I The Networked Enterprise

Section II Telecommunications Network Alternatives

MODULE III Business Applications

7.E-Business Systems

Section I e-Business Systems

Section II Functional Business Systems

8.Enterprise Business Systems

Section I Getting All the Geese Lined Up: Managing at the Enterprise Level

Section II Enterprise Resource Planning: The Business Backbone

Section III Supply Chain Management: The Business Network

9.E-Commerce Systems

Section I e-Commerce Fundamentals

Section II e-Commerce Applications and Issues

10. Supporting Decision Making

Section I Decision Support in Business

Section II Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Business

MODULE IV Development Processes

11. Developing Business/IT Strategies

Section I Planning Fundamentals

Section II Implementation Challenges

12.Developing Business/IT Solutions

Section I Developing Business Systems

Section II Implementing Business Systems

MODULE V Management Challenges

13.Security and Ethical Challenges

Section I Security, Ethical, and Societal Challenges of IT

Section II Security Management of Information Technology

14.Enterprise and Global Management of Information Technology

Section I Managing Information Technology

Section II Managing Global IT

About the Author

James O'Brien

James A. O'Brien completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Hawaii and Gonzaga University and earned an MS and PhD in Business Administration from the University of Oregon. He has been professor and coordinator of the CIS area at Northern Arizona University, professor of Finance and Management Information Systems and chairman of the Department of Management at Eastern Washington University, and a visiting professor at the University of Alberta, the University of Hawaii, and Central Washington University. Jim's research interests lie in developing and testing basic conceptual frameworks used in information systems development and management. He has written eight books, including several that have been published in multiple editions. He has also contributed to the field of information systems through the publication of many articles in business and academic journals, as well as through his participation in academic and industry associations in the field of information systems.

George Marakas

George M. Marakas is an associate professor of Information Systems at the School of Business at the University of Kansas. His teaching expertise includes Systems Analysis and Design, Technology-Assisted Decision Making, Electronic Commerce, Management of IS Resources, Behavioral IS Research Methods, and Data Visualization and Decision Support. In addition, George is an active researcher in the area of Systems Analysis Methods, Data Mining and Visualization, Creativity Enhancement, Conceptual Data Modeling, and Computer Self-Efficacy.George received his PhD in Information Systems from Florida International University in Miami and his MBA from Colorado State University. Throughout his academic career, George has distinguished himself both through his research and in the classroom. He has received numerous national teaching awards and his research has appeared in the top journals in his field. In addition to this text, he is also the author of three best-selling textbooks in information systems: Decision Support Systems for the 21st Century, Systems Analysis and Design: An Active Approach, and Data Warehousing, Mining, and Visualization: Core Concepts.

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