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ISBN10: 1266555684 | ISBN13: 9781266555688

Medical Ethics: Accounts of Ground-Breaking Cases
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Medical Ethics: Accounts of Ground-Breaking Cases provides an in-depth study of Bioethics through the fascinating lens of the cases that have changed the rules. Authored by a pioneer in the field, the critically-important and thought-provoking content is organized clearly, providing a framework for students’ own self-reflection and critical analysis. It includes discussions of famous cases, guiding students through detailed consideration of the issues raised. Pence integrates descriptions of the cases and their issues with historical overviews, following cases over decades to tell readers what did, and often what did not, happen.
Medical Ethics' single, engaging authorial voice guides students through this exciting, complex, and ever-expanding field.
2 Requests to Die: Terminal and Nonterminal Patients
3 Comas: Karen Quinlan, Nancy Cruzan, and Terri Schiavo
4 Abortion: The Trial of Kenneth Edelin and the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
5 Assisted Reproduction, Multiple Gestations, Surrogacy, and Elderly
6 Embryos, Stem Cells, and Reproductive Cloning
7 Impaired Babies and the Americans with Disabilities Act
8 Medical Research on Animals
9 Medical Research on Vulnerable Populations
10 Ethical Issues in First-Time Organ Surgeries
11 The God Committee
12 Using One Baby for Another
13 Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Intersex and Transgender
14 Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment and Research on People with
15 Ethical Issues in Pre-Symptomatic Testing for Genetic Disease: Nancy
Wexler, Angelina Jolie, Diabetes and Alzheimer’s
16 Ethical Issues in Stopping the Global Spread of Infectious Diseases:
AIDS, Ebola, and Zika
17 Ethical Issues of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
18 Ethical Issues in Medical Enhancement (and their effect on people with
19 Ethical Issues in Treating Alcoholism and Addiction
20 The Ethics of Weight Management
21 Ethical Issues Raised by Pandemics
About the Author
Gregory Pence
Gregory Pence is one of the pioneering bioethicists of America. Having taught for thirty years in a medical school, he has seen many past prophecies of doom fail. He is optimistic about biotechnology.
He is internationally famous for defending cloning and genetically modified food against bioLuddites who oppose research on stem cells and cloning. Because of his views, his talks have been picketed by Greenpeace and anti-cloning zealots.
His Classic Cases in Medical Ethics: Accounts of the Cases that Shaped Medical Ethics, 4th ed., 2003, is one of the standard textbooks of bioethics. His Who's Afraid of Human Cloning? (1998) is already regarded as a classic in bioethics for its rigorous attack on opponents of cloning. His Designer Food: Mutant Harvest or Breadbasket of the World? won a Choice Outstanding Academic Title in 2003. His Cloning After Dolly: Who's STILL Afraid of Human Cloning? appeared in late 2004 to high praise.
He doesn't think the sky will fall if a cloned baby is born. In opposing laws against cloning, he was asked to testify in 2001 before Congress and in 2002 before the California Senate.
Constantly in demand for national television, Pence has been interviewed on Bobby Battista's "Talk Back Live," "The Point" with Gretta von Susteren on CNN, "The Early Show with Bryant Gumbel" on CBS, "Wolf Blitzer's Washington" on CNN, as well as on National Public Radio's "Marketplace" and its "Weekend Edition." He has also been interviewed by TIME magazine, the New York Times, and most national publications. He has published in Newsweek, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.
Pence has given the Soundings Lecture at Castleton State College, VT, the Thornton Lecture at Alma College, MI, the Seidman Trust Lecture at Rhodes College, TN, and the Hughes Memorial Lecture at West Liberty State College in WVA. He has talked at Princeton, Yale, and Stanford. He has given keynote talks about cloning at universities in Portugal, London, Switzerland, and Australia.
Pence teaches at the medical school at the University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB), where he also directs a program for gifted undergraduates pre-admitted to UAB medical school. There, he has been voted Best Teacher.
He grew up in Washington, D.C., was graduated from the College of William and Mary cum laude in Philosophy, and earned his doctorate from New York University in 1974, where he worked on his dissertation under bioethicist Peter Singer, now at Princeton University.
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