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ISBN10: 0073380644 | ISBN13: 9780073380643
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design is intended as a core text in electronics for undergraduate electrical and computer engineering students. The fourth edition continues to provide a foundation for analyzing and designing both analog and digital electronic circuits. The goal has always been to make this book very readable and student friendly.
An accessible approach to learning through clear writing and practical pedagogy has become the hallmark of Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald Neamen. Now in its fourth edition, the text builds upon its strong pedagogy and tools for student assessment with key updates as well as revisions that allow for flexible coverage of op-amps.
Part I: Semiconductor Devices and Basic ApplicationsChapter 1: Semiconductor Materials and DiodesChapter 2: Diode CircuitsChapter 3: The Field-Effect TransistorChapter 4: Basic FET AmplifiersChapter 5: The Bipolar Junction TransistorChapter 6: Basic BJT AmplifiersChapter 7: Frequency ResponseChapter 8: Output Stages and Power AmplifiersPart II: Analog ElectronicsChapter 9: Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp CircuitsChapter 10: Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active LoadsChapter 11: Differential and Multistage AmplifiersChapter 12: Feedback and StabilityChapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 2: Diode CircuitsChapter 3: The Field-Effect TransistorChapter 4: Basic FET AmplifiersChapter 5: The Bipolar Junction TransistorChapter 6: Basic BJT AmplifiersChapter 7: Frequency ResponseChapter 8: Output Stages and Power AmplifiersPart II: Analog ElectronicsChapter 9: Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp CircuitsChapter 10: Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active LoadsChapter 11: Differential and Multistage AmplifiersChapter 12: Feedback and StabilityChapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 4: Basic FET AmplifiersChapter 5: The Bipolar Junction TransistorChapter 6: Basic BJT AmplifiersChapter 7: Frequency ResponseChapter 8: Output Stages and Power AmplifiersPart II: Analog ElectronicsChapter 9: Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp CircuitsChapter 10: Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active LoadsChapter 11: Differential and Multistage AmplifiersChapter 12: Feedback and StabilityChapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 6: Basic BJT AmplifiersChapter 7: Frequency ResponseChapter 8: Output Stages and Power AmplifiersPart II: Analog ElectronicsChapter 9: Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp CircuitsChapter 10: Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active LoadsChapter 11: Differential and Multistage AmplifiersChapter 12: Feedback and StabilityChapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 8: Output Stages and Power AmplifiersPart II: Analog ElectronicsChapter 9: Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp CircuitsChapter 10: Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active LoadsChapter 11: Differential and Multistage AmplifiersChapter 12: Feedback and StabilityChapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 9: Ideal Operational Amplifiers and Op-Amp CircuitsChapter 10: Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active LoadsChapter 11: Differential and Multistage AmplifiersChapter 12: Feedback and StabilityChapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 11: Differential and Multistage AmplifiersChapter 12: Feedback and StabilityChapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 13: Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier CircuitsChapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated CircuitsPart III: Digital ElectronicsChapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
Chapter 16: MOSFET Digital CircuitsChapter 17: Bipolar Digital Circuits
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