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ISBN10: 1260453030 | ISBN13: 9781260453034

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The new Must Know series is like a lightning bolt to the brain
Every school subject has must know ideas, or essential concepts, that lie behind it. This book will use that fact to help you learn in a unique way. Most study guides start a chapter with a set of goals, often leaving the starting point unclear. In Must Know High School Basic French, however, each chapter will immediately introduce you to the must know idea, or ideas, that lie behind the new French topic. As you learn these must know ideas, the book will show you how to apply that knowledge to speaking, reading, and writing French.
Focused on the essential concepts of French, this accessible guide will help you develop a solid understanding of the subject quickly and painlessly. Clear explanations are accompanied by numerous examples and followed with more challenging aspects of French. Practical exercises close each chapter and will instill you with confidence in your growing French skills.
Must Know High School Basic French features:
•Each chapter begins with the must know ideas behind the new topic
•Extensive examples illustrate these must know ideas
•Students learn how to apply this new knowledge to speaking, reading, and writing French
•250 practical review questions instill confidence
•IRL (In Real Life) sidebars present real-life examples of the subject at work in culture, science, and history
•Special BTW (By the Way) sidebars provide study tips, exceptions to the rule, and issues students should pay extra attention to
•Bonus app includes 100 flashcards to reinforce what students have learned
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