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ISBN10: 1260453065 | ISBN13: 9781260453065
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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You know that moment when you feel as though a lightning bolt has hit you because you finally get something? That’s how this book will make you react. (We hope!) Each chapter makes sure that what you really need to know is clear right off the bat and sees to it that you build on this knowledge. Where other books ask you to memorize stuff, we’re going to show you the must know ideas that will guide you toward success in Spanish. You will start each chapter learning what the must know ideas behind a Spanish subject are, and these concepts will help you with your classwork and on exams.
Dive into this book and find:
• 250+ practice questions that mirror what you will find in your classwork and on exams
• A bonus app with 100+ flashcards that will reinforce what you’ve learned
• Extensive examples that drive home essential concepts
• An easy-access setup that allows you to jump in and out of subjects
• Spanish topics aligned to national and state education standards
• Special help for more challenging Spanish subjects, including irregular verbs, indefinite pronouns, and ser versus estar
We’re confident that the must know ideas in this book will have you trying out your new Spanish skills in no time—or at least in a reasonable amount of time!
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