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ISBN10: 0071820280 | ISBN13: 9780071820288
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A Complete Study System for OCA Exam 1Z0-061
Prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals I exam with this Oracle Press guide. Each chapter features challenging exercises, a certification summary, a two-minute drill, and a self-test to reinforce the topics presented. This authoritative resource helps you pass the exam and also serves as an essential, on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all OCA objectives for exam 1Z0-061, including:
- Data retrieval using the SQL SELECT statement
- Restricting and sorting data
- Single-row functions
- Using conversion functions and conditional expressions
- Reporting aggregated data with the group functions
- Displaying data from multiple tables with joins
- Using subqueries to solve problems
- Using the set operators
- Manipulating data with DML statements
- Using DDL statements to create and manage tables
Electronic content includes:
- 150+ practice exam questions with detailed answers and explanations
- Score report performance assessment tool
- PDF copy of the book
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