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ISBN10: 1260116891 | ISBN13: 9781260116892
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Master the latest advances in hydrogeology using this fully updated resource
This thoroughly revised guide clearly explains cutting-edge hydrogeology techniques that can be applied in the field. Featuring contributions from leading experts, Practical Hydrogeology: Principles and Field Applications, Third Edition, shows how to plan and conduct site investigations, avoid pitfalls in the field, interpret a wide array of data types gathered, and prepare water-quality reports. You will get complete coverage of key procedures, including aquifer testing, groundwater sampling, water-quality assessment, aquifer characterization, and tracer tests. This third edition has been reorganized and expanded with up-to-date information, a new chapter, review questions, and real-world examples.
Coverage includes:
• Field hydrogeology
• The geology of hydrogeology
• Aquifer properties
• Groundwater flow
• Pumping tests
• Slug testing
• Aquifer hydraulics
• Water chemistry sampling
• Groundwater/surface-water interaction
• Vadose-zone analysis
• Karst hydrogeology and tracer tests
• Drilling and well completion
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