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ISBN10: 0078111501 | ISBN13: 9780078111501
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More than 8 million adults and juveniles are under correctional supervision in the United States, and even those who are confined will eventually be supervised by professionals in the field of community-based corrections. The first scholars to do so, Gerald Bayens and John Smykla explain in this first edition of Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Corrections, that community-based corrections is more than just programs in the community.Utilizing the latest data, up-to-the-minute news, profiles of professionals working in the field, policy discussions, pedagogical tools, and international perspectives, the authors have created an exciting book for students learning about community-based corrections.
PrefaceCHAPTER 1: Why Study Community-Based Corrections?: Using Evidence-Based Practices, Risk Assessment, andIntermediate Sanctions to Reduce Crime and Protect theCommunity CHAPTER 2: Legislation, Apprehension, Adjudication, and Corrections: The Four Filters Affecting Community-BasedCorrections CHAPTER 3: Theories of Offender Treatment: Reasons to Have a Theoretical Roadmap CHAPTER 4: Assessing Risk: The Importance of ClassificationCHAPTER 5: Pretrial Release and Diversion: Suspending Progression through the Formal Justice ProcessCHAPTER 6: Economic Sanctions: Fines, Restitution to Victims, and Community Service CHAPTER 7: Probation and ISP: The Most Common Methods of Correctional Supervision in America CHAPTER 8: Parole: The Crucial Phase of ReentryCHAPTER 9: Boot Camps and Jail-Based Community Supervision: Unique Alternatives to Traditional Community-Based Corrections PracticesCHAPTER 10: Residential, Day Reporting, and Drug Courts: Offenders Living Among Us CHAPTER 11: Special Populations: Offenders with Mental Health Problems, Sex Offenders, and Women OffendersCHAPTER 12: Community-Based Corrections for Juveniles: Giving Kids the Chance They NeedGlossaryCreditsCase IndexSubject Index
CHAPTER 2: Legislation, Apprehension, Adjudication, and Corrections: The Four Filters Affecting Community-BasedCorrections CHAPTER 3: Theories of Offender Treatment: Reasons to Have a Theoretical Roadmap CHAPTER 4: Assessing Risk: The Importance of ClassificationCHAPTER 5: Pretrial Release and Diversion: Suspending Progression through the Formal Justice ProcessCHAPTER 6: Economic Sanctions: Fines, Restitution to Victims, and Community Service CHAPTER 7: Probation and ISP: The Most Common Methods of Correctional Supervision in America CHAPTER 8: Parole: The Crucial Phase of ReentryCHAPTER 9: Boot Camps and Jail-Based Community Supervision: Unique Alternatives to Traditional Community-Based Corrections PracticesCHAPTER 10: Residential, Day Reporting, and Drug Courts: Offenders Living Among Us CHAPTER 11: Special Populations: Offenders with Mental Health Problems, Sex Offenders, and Women OffendersCHAPTER 12: Community-Based Corrections for Juveniles: Giving Kids the Chance They NeedGlossaryCreditsCase IndexSubject Index
CHAPTER 4: Assessing Risk: The Importance of ClassificationCHAPTER 5: Pretrial Release and Diversion: Suspending Progression through the Formal Justice ProcessCHAPTER 6: Economic Sanctions: Fines, Restitution to Victims, and Community Service CHAPTER 7: Probation and ISP: The Most Common Methods of Correctional Supervision in America CHAPTER 8: Parole: The Crucial Phase of ReentryCHAPTER 9: Boot Camps and Jail-Based Community Supervision: Unique Alternatives to Traditional Community-Based Corrections PracticesCHAPTER 10: Residential, Day Reporting, and Drug Courts: Offenders Living Among Us CHAPTER 11: Special Populations: Offenders with Mental Health Problems, Sex Offenders, and Women OffendersCHAPTER 12: Community-Based Corrections for Juveniles: Giving Kids the Chance They NeedGlossaryCreditsCase IndexSubject Index
CHAPTER 6: Economic Sanctions: Fines, Restitution to Victims, and Community Service CHAPTER 7: Probation and ISP: The Most Common Methods of Correctional Supervision in America CHAPTER 8: Parole: The Crucial Phase of ReentryCHAPTER 9: Boot Camps and Jail-Based Community Supervision: Unique Alternatives to Traditional Community-Based Corrections PracticesCHAPTER 10: Residential, Day Reporting, and Drug Courts: Offenders Living Among Us CHAPTER 11: Special Populations: Offenders with Mental Health Problems, Sex Offenders, and Women OffendersCHAPTER 12: Community-Based Corrections for Juveniles: Giving Kids the Chance They NeedGlossaryCreditsCase IndexSubject Index
CHAPTER 8: Parole: The Crucial Phase of ReentryCHAPTER 9: Boot Camps and Jail-Based Community Supervision: Unique Alternatives to Traditional Community-Based Corrections PracticesCHAPTER 10: Residential, Day Reporting, and Drug Courts: Offenders Living Among Us CHAPTER 11: Special Populations: Offenders with Mental Health Problems, Sex Offenders, and Women OffendersCHAPTER 12: Community-Based Corrections for Juveniles: Giving Kids the Chance They NeedGlossaryCreditsCase IndexSubject Index
CHAPTER 10: Residential, Day Reporting, and Drug Courts: Offenders Living Among Us CHAPTER 11: Special Populations: Offenders with Mental Health Problems, Sex Offenders, and Women OffendersCHAPTER 12: Community-Based Corrections for Juveniles: Giving Kids the Chance They NeedGlossaryCreditsCase IndexSubject Index
CHAPTER 12: Community-Based Corrections for Juveniles: Giving Kids the Chance They NeedGlossaryCreditsCase IndexSubject Index
CreditsCase IndexSubject Index
Subject Index
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