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ISBN10: 0078024463 | ISBN13: 9780078024467

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The Process of Parenting describes the many ways parents and caregivers can translate their love for children into effective parenting behavior. The book has strong emphasis on the development process in terms of children’s and parents’ growth as complex individuals, and in the changing nature of their relationships over time. Because parents and children are distinct individuals, the book includes a problem-solving approach that can help parents arrive at solutions that fit them, their children, and their life circumstances. The ninth edition includes new first person narrative boxes and more emphasis on social context, new evidence-based parenting programs, and international parenting.
PrefacePart I General Concepts, Goals, and Strategies of ParentingChapter 1. Parenting Is A ProcessChapter 2. Cultural Influences on ParentingChapter 3. Learning to ParentChapter 4. Becoming ParentsChapter 5. Nurturing Close Family Relationships in a Technological SocietyChapter 6. Supporting Children’s Growth and DevelopmentPart II Parenting at Developmental StagesChapter 7. Parenting Children from Birth to Two YearsChapter 8. Parenting Children in Early ChildhoodChapter 9. Parenting Early Elementary School ChildrenChapter 10. Parenting Early AdolescentsChapter 11. Parenting Late Adolescents and Young AdultsPart III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 1. Parenting Is A ProcessChapter 2. Cultural Influences on ParentingChapter 3. Learning to ParentChapter 4. Becoming ParentsChapter 5. Nurturing Close Family Relationships in a Technological SocietyChapter 6. Supporting Children’s Growth and DevelopmentPart II Parenting at Developmental StagesChapter 7. Parenting Children from Birth to Two YearsChapter 8. Parenting Children in Early ChildhoodChapter 9. Parenting Early Elementary School ChildrenChapter 10. Parenting Early AdolescentsChapter 11. Parenting Late Adolescents and Young AdultsPart III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 3. Learning to ParentChapter 4. Becoming ParentsChapter 5. Nurturing Close Family Relationships in a Technological SocietyChapter 6. Supporting Children’s Growth and DevelopmentPart II Parenting at Developmental StagesChapter 7. Parenting Children from Birth to Two YearsChapter 8. Parenting Children in Early ChildhoodChapter 9. Parenting Early Elementary School ChildrenChapter 10. Parenting Early AdolescentsChapter 11. Parenting Late Adolescents and Young AdultsPart III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 5. Nurturing Close Family Relationships in a Technological SocietyChapter 6. Supporting Children’s Growth and DevelopmentPart II Parenting at Developmental StagesChapter 7. Parenting Children from Birth to Two YearsChapter 8. Parenting Children in Early ChildhoodChapter 9. Parenting Early Elementary School ChildrenChapter 10. Parenting Early AdolescentsChapter 11. Parenting Late Adolescents and Young AdultsPart III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Part II Parenting at Developmental StagesChapter 7. Parenting Children from Birth to Two YearsChapter 8. Parenting Children in Early ChildhoodChapter 9. Parenting Early Elementary School ChildrenChapter 10. Parenting Early AdolescentsChapter 11. Parenting Late Adolescents and Young AdultsPart III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 8. Parenting Children in Early ChildhoodChapter 9. Parenting Early Elementary School ChildrenChapter 10. Parenting Early AdolescentsChapter 11. Parenting Late Adolescents and Young AdultsPart III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 10. Parenting Early AdolescentsChapter 11. Parenting Late Adolescents and Young AdultsPart III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Part III Parenting in Varying Life CircumstancesChapter 12. Working and ParentingChapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 13. Parents by Adoption and Parents by Reproductive TechnologyChapter 14. Parenting When UnmarriedChapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 15. Parenting in Divorced Families and Remarried FamiliesChapter 16. Parenting in Lesbian and Gay FamiliesChapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
Chapter 17. Parenting in Challenging TimesEpilogueNotesCreditsIndex
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