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ISBN10: 1264086881 | ISBN13: 9781264086887

Punto y aparte
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Punto y aparte is a brief intermediate text that uniquely expands on the lessons learned in first-year Spanish to focus on seven core communicative functions and the grammar and vocabulary that support them. These functions are constantly recycled throughout the program to reflect the real-life use of language. Grammar review is found at the back of the program, reserving the main chapters for presenting engaging real-world uses of language and richly enhanced cultural contexts. In six chapters—each set in a different area of the Spanish-speaking world—Punto y aparte offers meaningful communicative practice through writing and speaking activities that help students progress from the basics of introductory-level language to more extensive, meaningful discourse, and from sentence-level to paragraph-length self-expression.
Capítulo 1 Perspectivas
Grammar: Descripción y comparación
Culture: España
Capítulo 2 Conexiones
Grammar: Narración en el pasado
Culture: El Caribe
Capítulo 3 Pasiones y sentimientos
Grammar: Reacciones y recomendaciones
Culture: México
Capítulo 4 La vida moderna
Grammar: Hablar de los gustos y las opiniones
Culture: El Cono Sur
Capítulo 5 El mundo actual
Grammar: Hacer hipótesis y hablar del futuro
Culture: La región andina
Capítulo 6 Hacia el porvenir
Grammar: Las siete metas comunicativas
Culture: Centroamérica
About the Author
Sharon Foerster
Sharon Wilson Foerster retired from the University of Texas at Austin in 2001, where she had been the Coordinator of Lower-Division Courses in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, directing the first- and second-year Spanish language program and training graduate assistant instructors. She continues to teach in the Spanish Summer Language School at Middlebury College in Vermont. She received her Ph.D. in Intercultural Communications from the University of Texas in 1981. Before joining the faculty at the University of Texas, she was Director of the Center for Cross-Cultural Study in Seville, Spain, for four years. She continues her involvement in study abroad through her work as Director of the Spanish Teaching Institute and as Academic Advisor for Academic Programs International. She is the co-author of the following McGraw-Hill titles: Pasaporte: Spanish for High Beginners (2009); Supplementary Materials to accompany Puntos de partida, Eighth Edition (2009); Metas: Spanish in Review, Moving Toward Fluency (2008); Punto y aparte: Spanish in Review, Moving Toward Fluency, Third Edition (2007); Lecturas literarias: Moving Toward Linguistic and Cultural Fluency Through Literature (2007); Metas comunicativas para maestros (1999); and Metas comunicativas para negocios (1998).
Anne Lambright
Anne Lambright is Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literature in the Hispanic Studies Program at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. She earned her Ph.D. in Latin American Literature from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research and teaching focus is on contemporary Latin American Literature, Andean literature, indigenismo, and Latin American women’s writing, topics on which she has published several articles and books. She is the author of Creating the Hybrid Intellectual: Subject, Space, and the Feminine in the Narrative of José María Arguedas and co-author of Unfolding the City: Women Write the City in Latin America (2007), with Elisabeth Guerrero. In addition, she is the co-author of Metas: Spanish in Review, Moving Toward Fluency (2008).
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