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ISBN10: 1266411305 | ISBN13: 9781266411304

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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This title delivers proven pedagogy: clear presentations, scaffolded activities, unparalleled teaching resources, and powerful digital tools. It continues to build on the holistic, five-skills approach it pioneered. This release is enriched with contemporary culture and real-world scenarios that provide meaningful contexts for language acquisition. Hallmarks include:
• A comprehensive scope and sequence that lets instructors choose what to cover; no need to create extra supplemental to fill gaps present in other texts.
• A careful progression from formulaic expressions, on to vocabulary and grammar relevant to daily life and personal interests, then to preparing students for survival situations (e.g., ordering a meal); and finally to broader themes (e.g., current events).
• This progression is reinforced by a cyclical structure where vocabulary, grammar, and language functions are continuously reviewed and recycled.
1 Ante todo
2 En la universidad
3 La familia
4 De compras
5 En casa
6 Las estaciones y el tiempo
7 ¡A comer!
8 De viaje
9 Los días festivos
10 El tiempo libre
11 La salud
12 ¡Conectad@s!
13 El arte y la cultura
14 Las presiones de la vida
15 La naturaleza y el medio ambiente
16 La vida social y afectiva
17¿Trabajar para vivir o vivir para trabajar?
18 La actualidad
1. Glossary of Grammatical Terms
2. Using Adjectives as Nouns
3. More About Stressed Possessives
4. Additional Perfect Forms (Indicative and Subjunctive)
5. Verbs
Spanish-English Vocabulary
English-Spanish Vocabulary
Mandatos y frases comunes en el salón de clase
Selected Verb Forms
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