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ISBN10: 1259922413 | ISBN13: 9781259922411
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Teaching Physical Education for Learning, guides future physical education teachers in designing effective learning experiences for students grades K-12. This user-friendly text emphasizes developing students' motor skills and physical abilities through interactive teaching strategies. Physical education teachers will not only learn instructional skills, but also how to adapt their teaching to different content and student needs. This latest edition provides a foundation for physical education programs that prepare students for a lifetime of physical activity.
CHAPTER 1: Teaching Physical Education: An Orientation
CHAPTER 2: Factors That Influence Learning
CHAPTER 3: Designing Learning Experiences and Instructional Tasks
CHAPTER 4: Task Presentation
CHAPTER 5: Content Analysis and Development
CHAPTER 6: Developing and Maintaining a Learning Environment
CHAPTER 7: Teacher During Activity
CHAPTER 8: Teaching Strategies
CHAPTER 9: Student Motivation, Personal Growth, and Inclusion
CHAPTER 10: Planning
CHAPTER 11: Assessment in the Instructional Process
CHAPTER 12: Content-Specific Pedagogy
CHAPTER 13: The Teacher as the Continuous Learner
CHAPTER 14: Observing Teacher and Student Behavior
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