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Humanities, Social Science and Language

Digital Products

Course management and student learning tools backed by great support.

McGraw Hill GO
Greenlight learning with the new eBook+

Personalize learning and assessment

ALEKS® Placement, Preparation, and Learning
Achieve accurate math placement

Ignite mastery of MS Office and IT skills

McGraw Hill eBook & ReadAnywhere App
Get learning that fits anytime, anywhere

Sharpen: Study App
A reliable study app for students

Virtual Labs
Flexible, realistic science simulations

AI Reader
Encourage Discovery, Boost Understanding


Affordable Access
Reduce costs and increase success

LMS Integration
Log in and sync up

Content Collections powered by Create®
Curate and deliver your ideal content

Custom Courseware Solutions
Teach your course your way

Education for All
Let’s build a future where every student has a chance to succeed

Business Program
Explore business learning solutions & resources

Professional Services
Collaborate to optimize outcomes

Remote Proctoring
Validate online exams even offsite

Institutional Solutions
Increase engagement, lower costs, and improve access for your students

Updated, relevant materials—without the hassle.


General Help & Support Info
Customer Service & Tech Support contact information

Online Technical Support Center
FAQs, articles, chat, email or phone support

Support At Every Step
Instructor tools, training and resources for ALEKS, Connect & SIMnet

Instructor Sample Requests
Get step by step instructions for requesting an evaluation, exam, or desk copy

Platform System Check
System status in real time

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SIMskills Badges

A great way to boost skills in Microsoft applications, earn digital badges, and stand out to employers!

Accessible for All Students through McGraw Hill Connect®

SIMskills Badges are self-paced learning courses that teach essential skills in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Students have flexibility to learn what they want, when they want, without the stress of deadlines, grades, or exams!

Access SIMskills Badges: Through Connect | Through your LMS

Foundational Skills for Microsoft Excel

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to get started with Excel, format cells, use formulas and functions, format worksheets, and manage the workbook.

1 Digital Badge

86 skills

Advanced Skills for Microsoft Excel

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to add charts, analyze data, explore advanced functions, and create advanced charts and graphics with Excel.

1 Digital Badge

72 skills

Data Analysis Skills for Microsoft Excel

$20 for 365-day access

Students explore advanced data analysis and learn how to import, review, and finalize the workbook, and work with macros.

1 Digital Badge

52 skills

SAVE $10 
when buying all 3 for Microsoft Excel!

$50 for 365-day access

You get these Microsoft Excel skills:

  • Foundational Skills
  • Advanced Skills
  • Data Analysis Skills

Foundational Skills for Microsoft Word

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to get started with Word, format text and paragraphs, apply themes, and format and print documents.

1 Digital Badge

58 skills

Multimedia Skills for Microsoft Word

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to insert and format pictures, graphics, shapes, tables, SmartArt, and charts.

1 Digital Badge

61 skills

Reference and Collaboration Skills for Microsoft Word

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to add citations, a bibliography, and table of contents, as well as use track changes, create macros, and work with templates.

1 Digital Badge

53 skills

SAVE $10 
when buying all 3 for Microsoft Word!

$50 for 365-day access

You get these Microsoft Word skills:

  • Foundational Skills
  • Multimedia Skills
  • Reference and Collaboration Skills

Foundational Skills for Microsoft PowerPoint

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to get started with PowerPoint, create and format slides, add pictures, and apply animations.

1 Digital Badge

64 skills

Presentation Skills for Microsoft PowerPoint

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to navigate the slide show, use presentation tools, create handouts, and modify the effects and timing of transitions.

1 Digital Badge

49 skills

Multimedia Skills for Microsoft PowerPoint

$20 for 365-day access

Students learn how to set animation timings, record and trim audio and video, create tables, and format pictures and shapes.

1 Digital Badge

29 skills

SAVE $10 
when buying all 3 for Microsoft PowerPoint!

$50 for 365-day access

You get these Microsoft PowerPoint skills:

  • Foundational Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Multimedia Skills

Questions? Want to Learn More?

Contact us to let us know you’d like to connect about SIMskills Badges.