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Frequently Asked Questions
What’s a McGraw Hill eBook? Textbook Rental? Or Loose Leaf?
We offer a number of cost-effective solutions for students. The McGraw Hill eBook is an electronic version of your textbook that may be accessed online or offline from your mobile device or laptop. Log on to your eBook from the eReader on or download the free ReadAnywhere App from the App store so you can save and access your eBook anytime.
You can now rent your eBook, OR if you like to flip through a print textbook, you can rent a print text for a fraction of the price.
If you want to own your textbook, Loose Leaf is a low-cost option. Loose Leaf is 3-ring binder ready and super flexible.
I heard my campus has Inclusive Access, but I don't know what that means?
Great! If your campus has an agreement with us through a program called “Inclusive Access”, that means your bookstore has already pre-negotiated a discounted price for your course materials. How awesome is that?! Before buying, contact your bookstore to make sure you’re getting your course materials for the lowest price possible.
What’s the ReadAnywhere App, and why do I need it?
Have you purchased access to the McGraw Hill eBook or McGraw Hill Connect®? This free app allows you to access your digital book and download content for access on the go. You can download in the Apple or Android App store.
If I have Connect, do I need to buy a book, too?
When in doubt, check your instructor's syllabus to see what is required. In most cases, the book is automatically included with your Connect purchase, and you can access it through your Connect login as an eBook or on your mobile device through the ReadAnywhere app. If you prefer to have a print copy of the text in addition to the eBook, you can purchase a Loose Leaf version of the text through Connect.