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Introducing COVID-19 Central – A Resource Site All About the Coronavirus
An in-depth description of the COVID Central resource site.

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting the lives of people in all corners of the world. Unfortunately, however, there is quite a lot of misinformation and confusion about how it spreads, how it can be treated, the do’s and don’ts of interacting with other people, and more.
Knowing that we have access to some of the most trusted minds in medical research and education, we realized we had an opportunity to provide a resource page for professionals, students and others. We engaged with some experts including Mark Graber, MD MSHCE FACEP (Graber & Wilbur's Family Medicine Examination and Board Review) and McGraw-Hill’s Julie Grishaw, MSN, RN, ACNP-C, CCRN and Melanie Allison, DNP, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC
A week ago, we launched AccessMedicine COVID-19 Central, a free resource meant to help clinicians and healthcare professionals navigate the current crisis, as well as instructors who are now faced with the task of teaching remotely.
Much of the information collected on this channel is sourced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which provides updates and information at a rate that can be difficult to keep up with. Visitors to the site will find a variety of resources at their disposal - from a brief FAQ, to updates on treatment. COVID-19 Central will house all current information around the global Coronavirus pandemic.
At launch, COVID-19 Central has posts addressing relevant clinical information, risk assessment, prevention and quarantine, and travel advisories, with plans to add information on special populations, telemedicine, and much more. The goals of this site are to create discussions within communities about best practices and distance learning, include videos from our most knowledgeable authors, and provide quick links and free access to important information about the COVID-19 pandemic.
We hope you find it useful.