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A Running List of Articles for Students, Educators and Parents Adjusting to Life During the Coronavirus Pandemic
A list of resources for students, parents, and educators in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

The coronavirus has led to the closing of countless schools around the world, most of them in the middle of the school year. Here is a set of articles we’ve found sharing tips and resources that may be helpful to students, their parents, and educators. Check them out below.
How to Explain the Coronavirus to Children and Young Students - Medium – McGraw-Hill
In this article, a curriculum developer shares advice for explaining what the coronavirus is to younger children who may be scared and not highly aware of current events.
My First Week as a Virtual Learning Principal - Medium – McGraw-Hill
This article is told from the perspective of a PreK-fourth grade principal tasked with “teaching from afar” – ensuring his students are fed, have internet access, and are all still learning. Learn why he believes staying connected virtually is key to getting through this pandemic.
Effective Home School Schedules: Eight Things to Consider - Medium – McGraw-Hill
A curriculum developer from Georgia shares her system for successful homeschooling between parents and their children.
Social and Emotional Learning is More Important Now Than Ever - Medium – McGraw-Hill
As social distancing and learning at home become more and more normal, children may be experiencing the impacts of isolation. This is where social and emotion learning becomes equally important at home.
Beyond the Digital Divide - Medium – McGraw-Hill
How do we guarantee digital equity at home? This article describes ways ways to ensure these inequities don’t become hinderances to student learning during at-home learning.
Supporting Learners with Significant Disabilities: Fives Ideas for Virtual Education - Medium - McGraw-Hill
This article is filled with tips that support students with complex needs during these challenging days.
Five Considerations for Creating Learning Spaces at Home - Medium - McGraw-Hill
Where a child learns is often just as important as what a child learns. This article shares advice on how to create learning spaces at home.
The Story of Teaching: How to Teach Anybody, Anything, Anywhere - Medium – McGraw-Hill
Here, Learning Scientist, Dr. Annie Snyder, outlines some of the steps anyone can use to teach anybody, anything, anywhere.
Teaching Financial Literacy During an International Crisis - Medium – McGraw-Hill
This article focuses on what families can do to help their children continue to learn about the importance of financial literacy, while also being sensitive to changing financial circumstances for these families during the coronavirus pandemic.
Higher Ed
Advice for Faculty Members in a Turbulent - Inside Higher Ed
Many educators and faculty members are suddenly faced with the challenging task of teaching their students remotely, causing stress and anxiety. This article shares ways that instructors can stay healthy and calm during this rough time.
What to Do Now That All Your Classes Are Online - McGraw-Hill Higher Education Hill Hacks
Written by a college student, this article shares advice for students who now must “get comfortable with the uncomfortable” while taking classes from home.
Suggested Online Teaching Resources from the McGraw-Hill Learning Science Advisory Board - McGraw-Hill Higher Education Hill Hacks
The McGraw-Hill Learning Science Advisory Board compiled a list of research-based resources and tools for faculty members and students now faced with the challenging task of distance learning.
Staying Fit at Home - McGraw-Hill Higher Ed Hill Hacks
If you enjoy being active, staying at home in quarantine requires you to find new and creative ways to stay fit. This article shares 5 tips to help with your fitness goals during social isolation.
Working from Home During Covid-19: a Survival Guide for College Students - McGraw-Hill Higher Ed Hill Hacks
The coronavirus has forced many of us to shelter in place for weeks, or even months. This article shares how to adapt to this new lifestyle, and how to cope with working and being a student at home.
To the Graduating Class of 2020 - McGraw-Hill Higher Ed Hill Hacks
Read on for an open letter to college would-be graduates from a college would-be graduate himself.
5 Ways to Make Online Teaching and Distance Learning Work for You - McGraw-Hill Higher Ed Hill Hacks
Here is a list of practices you can implement to help make online teaching and distance learning programs a success.
Coronavirus Resource Page for Students - New York Times
The Times has created a set of resources and articles for students that will be frequently updated with new discussion topics. The goal is to help students think critically and learn from home about the ways we help one another during this time.
On the Move to Remote Learning - Forbes
With school closures, moving to a remote learning situation can be challenging for teachers and district leaders. In this article, educators and school administrators can find tips for making a smoother transition.
14 Tips for Helping Students with Limited Internet Have Distance Learning - KQED
With millions of students now learning from home, another issue has resurfaced: how to support students who do not have reliable internet access in their homes. This article shares tips and strategies for helping those students during this time.
Here’s Exactly How to Work from Home When Your Kids Need Attention - Motherly
One of our learning scientists, Annie Snyder, offers expert advice to parents who are faced with working from home with kids.
Coronavirus school closures means kids are missing more than class. Here's how to help. - NBC News
This article shares tips for parents who must shift expectations and learn how to give their children the emotional support they need to succeed during these times.
Last Updated: May 13, 2020
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