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6–12 Science
Standards-Aligned and Inquiry-Driven

Meeting New Science Standards
Transition to the new science standards with a curriculum that promotes inquiry and real-world problem-solving with phenomena and hands-on activities. Glencoe Science is your complete solution for meeting the standards and supporting student-led learning.
The New Standard in Student-Led Learning
Encourage inquiry-based, student-driven learning with Glencoe Science:
- Phenomena for each chapter
- Hands-on labs
- Lab kits for grades 6–8
- Project-based learning
- On-demand professional development

LearnSmart® with SmartBook® Adaptive Learning Technology
LearnSmart® with SmartBook® determines precisely which learning objectives a student has grasped and which ones he/she is struggling with then highlights the most critical content for that student to read at that moment. Where knowledge gaps are identified, LearnSmart provides the learning resources the student needs to drive content retention.
*Next Generation Science Standards is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards was involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.