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Equity in Action

Our Mission
Our mission is to impact today's students, and generations of children to come, through internal and external partnerships and initiatives in the pursuit of equitable educational outcomes for all learners. We strive to eliminate systems that contribute to inequities by recognizing diverse viewpoints and deeply understanding the communities and colleagues we serve. This is paramount to ensuring authentic and meaningful representation within our products and workplace. Keeping students at the center of learning unlocks their full potential and powers the future.
Meet the School Impact! Team
Community Partners
We're grateful for our ever-expanding list of partners helping us create a lasting impact in schools everywhere:
- The American Association of School Administrators (AASA)
- The Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS)
- ExcelinED
- State Advisory Council
- Andrew Young HBCU Scholarship Fund
- The Black Educational Advocacy Coalition (BEAC)
Elite Partnership with ALAS
Our collaboration with the Association of Latino Administrators & Superintendents reflects our dedication to providing tailored solutions that address the varied cultural and educational backgrounds of students. Through this alliance, we strive to develop and provide educators with resources that resonate with a wide spectrum of learners, promoting an inclusive educational environment that empowers every student to succeed.
This partnership underscores our belief that diversity is not only a cornerstone of effective education but also an essential catalyst for innovation and progress in the ever-evolving landscape of learning.
Meet Our PreK–12 Equity Advisory Board
Formed in 2021, our Equity Advisory Board consists of six leaders across different fields of work, including academia, law, and school administration. The board provides insights and guidance on equitable product development, content, and other initiatives.

Dr. Courtney Koestler
Director, OHIO Center for Equity in Mathematics and Science and Associate Professor of Instruction, The Patton College of Education at Ohio University

Professional Development Opportunities
Our team is proud to offer professional learning sessions rooted in equity and community. Our sessions are for educators and leaders who strive for authentic representation and student-centered learning in their schools.
Dive deeper into these Professional Development opportunities:

Learning and Leading from Legacy , Link will open in a new window
Participants explore the non-violent philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and learn how to encourage students to communicate, negotiate, and advocate thoughtfully for important causes.

Culturally Responsive Instruction , Link will open in a new window
A two-part series that introduces the CRI framework, guides participants toward a personal understanding of CRI, and explores how the CRI framework can be applied in learning environments across a variety of content areas.

Book Studies , Link will open in a new window
Centered on a mutually agreed-upon book, exploring topics related to student-centered initiatives or goals shared across your department, school, or district.
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