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Inspire Science: Physics, G9-12, Digital Student Center, 3-year subscription

Inspire Science: Physics, G9-12, Digital Student Center, 3-year subscription

National Edition
MHID: 0076901963 | ISBN 13: 9780076901968
Grades: 9 - 11

Payment Options: During checkout, you can pay with a P.O. (simply enter the number), Credit Card, or PayPal.

The Inspire Science Online eStudent Edition is a one seat, 3-year subscription. It provides complete student access, via the McGraw Hill Portal, to online resources, Units and Modules, presentations, phenomena, virtual manipulatives, videos, Learnsmart, more! Learnsmart is an adaptive learning tool to support student comprehension and is included in this subscription. Students can use Learnsmart as a Self-Study tool OR receive assignments from Teachers. The data from students who do teacher Learnsmart assignments will be gathered to generate personalized learning reports to guide teachers in more targeted instruction. The portal provides remote access from anywhere the Internet is available. Students with this subscription can receive assignments from teachers who have the Online Teacher Edition subscription