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StudySync ELA
Grades: 6 - 12
StudySync has partnered with McGraw-Hill to deliver the most engaging digital literacy curriculum available. StudySync is accessible on all devices, anywhere, anytime!
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Grades: 6 - 12
StudySync has partnered with McGraw-Hill to deliver the most engaging digital literacy curriculum available. StudySync is accessible on all devices, anywhere, anytime!
Inspired Core Curriculum
Robust Digital Library
Integrated English Language Development
ELD resources embedded into StudySync’s core instruction include:
Flexible Teacher Tools and Assessment
Data-rich assessment and management tools include:
Targeted Print Support for Limited Technology Environments
For schools in digital transition, print materials to use in conjunction with your digital subscription include:
Social Studies
View all Social Studies Programs
Actively Learn (3–12)
New Social Studies (6–12)
Networks (6–12)