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IMPACT Social Studies

Grades K–5

Reflect on the Past,
Impact the Future

Welcome to IMPACT Social Studies—an inquiry-based, student-centered program that empowers young learners to explore the world and find their place within it. Let’s make an impact.

an elementary aged student holding onto backpack straps

Why Choose IMPACT?

Flexible Approach to Instruction

Teach social studies the way you want in the time you have with flexible pacing options and rich print and digital resources. Fast tracks and pacing guides set out a streamlined path through the essential standards and skills, with options to mix and match resources to achieve your social studies goals.

A page from the flexible pacing guide.

Trusted and Engaging Content

Empower your students to discover their role in the community, the nation, and the world with trusted, age-appropriate content. An abundance of engaging resources—graphic novels, videos, Kahoot! quizzes, primary sources, and more—immerse students in the learning experience and help them build the knowledge and critical-thinking skills they need to thrive in our ever-changing society.

Supports for Every Student

Ensure every student, no matter their abilities or language proficiency, has the tools to grow into an informed, active citizen. With differentiated scaffolds, leveled readers, and robust supports for English Language Learners—including a 100% Spanish version of core content—IMPACT guarantees equitable access to complex historical and cultural content.

A young student stands at the front of a classroom before a large map of the world. 
The Kahoot! logo.

Kahoot! , Link will open in a new window

Gamify your classroom with engaging, ready-to-play social studies content.

The IMPACTO Estudios Sociales logo.

IMPACTO Estudios Sociales , Link will open in a new window

Support your bilingual students with this one-to-one Spanish-language version of IMPACT Social Studies.

The Actively Learn logo.

Actively Learn (Grades 3–5)  , Link will open in a new window

Enrich your social studies instruction with an ever-expanding library of standards-aligned content.

Foundations of IMPACT

Aligned to the C3 Framework

With seamless alignment to the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework, IMPACT places inquiry at the heart of its social studies instruction. Each of the C3 Framework dimensions is threaded throughout the IMPACT instructional model, ensuring that students receive engaging, relevant, standards-aligned content every step of the way.

A teacher holding a clipboard smiles at a group of four young students. 

Driven by Essential Questions

With IMPACT, Essential Questions are the starting point that shape the inquiry process—guiding student investigations into each chapter’s core concepts. Lesson Questions continue the inquiry process by prompting students to unpack historical concepts and discover unique perspectives as they analyze high-quality primary and secondary sources. Working together, the Lesson Questions build the foundational knowledge students need to address the chapter Essential Question.

A page from Chapter 6: Economics of Communities and a full-Spanish page from IMPACTO.

Social Studies Domains

Provide every student with the disciplinary tools and strategies to think like a historian, geographer, economist, and as an informed world citizen. IMPACT builds a solid foundation in these essential domains of social studies with a spiraled, developmental approach and coherent units of study—actively engaging students with a rich variety of informational texts, primary sources, media, and activities.

Two children point to locations on a globe. 