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logo and textbook covers for Maravillas spanish language arts curriculum

Maravillas: An Overview

Cada estudiante es una historia de éxito.

Maravillas, a fully equitable Spanish Language Arts program, supports students as they become bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural. Instructional plans, themes, skills, strategies, and test preparation mirror those of the core Wonders program. With a wealth of authentic literature ranging across the Spanish-speaking world, Maravillas gives students equity of access to rich texts and rigorous instruction.

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Components for Maravillas

Teacher’s Edition

Comprehensive support and guidance for small-group instruction, including differentiation for all students.

Reading/Writing Companion

An interactive student edition ensures students master the close reading routine, respond to the shared read, apply skills and strategies, talk, cite text evidence, and write.

Authentic Literature

A collection of rich stories and informational selections by award-winning authors and illustrators.

Practice Book

Blackline masters that provide multiple opportunities for students to master skills and strategies. Features phonics, phonological awareness, high-frequency words, spelling, handwriting, grammar, and vocabulary practice for each text set.

Decodable Readers
(Grades K–1)

Engaging stories that reinforce phonics instruction.

Leveled Readers

Differentiated texts at three complexity bands (Approaching, On, and Beyond). Each reader features a main selection accompanied by a paired piece with the same theme. The selection of Leveled Readers provides coverage of multiple genres and literary and informational texts.

Literature Big Books (Grades K–1)

Increase listening comprehension through read-alouds from rich, authentic texts, with stories and informational selections from award-winning authors and illustrators.

Genre Read Aloud Anthology (Grades K–1)

Provide engaging read aloud experiences in a variety of genres. Point-of-use prompts focus on genre, comprehension skills and strategies, and oral vocabulary.

Unit Assessments

Comprised of shorter foundational skills assessments and comprehensive assessments, unit assessments ensure valid assessment of student performance and progress, aligned to standards and measured against grade-level rigor.

Placement and Diagnostic Assessments

Placement Assessments assist teachers in determining whether students are approaching, on, or beyond grade level or could be supported by intervention, while Diagnostic Assessments target foundational skills knowledge.

Language Transfers Handbook

Guidance for transfer of phonics, grammar, cognates, and other skills to the study of English.

Classroom Trade Library

Support and extend learning with award-winning trade books, selected to provide extended readings of complex text across genres, themes, and concepts.

Progress Monitoring Assessments

Weekly “fresh reads” offer students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of weekly skills, and help teacher evaluate and monitor progress.

Benchmark Assessments

Assess progress toward end-of-year goals with benchmark assessments.

Instructional Routine Handbook

Develop helpful habits and provide students with strategies and tools to achieve desired outcomes.

Resources for Hands-On Learning

High-Frequency Word Cards (Grades K–2)

Support acquisition of high-frequency vocabulary.

Interactive Read-Aloud Cards (Grades K–2)

Engage students with read-alouds that develop listening comprehension using complex text and include a variety of genres—myths, fables, poems, expository texts, and more.

Photo Cards (Grades K–2)

Brightly colored picture cards to increase content area and domain-specific vocabulary.

Response Board

Colorful, laminated work boards with supplement sound- and word-recognition practice (write-on/wipe-off).

Retelling Cards (Grades K–2)

Full-color cards feature modeled and guided retelling of main selections.

Sound/Spelling Cards (Grades K–2)

Laminated cards support instruction in medial short-vowel sounds, final consonant sounds, and vowel variants.

Visual Vocabulary Cards

Full-color, photo-word cards introduce specific vocabulary for the week. They provide instructional support for phonics, vocabulary, and language development.

Teaching Poster (Grades K–1)

Colorful, laminated posters (write-on/wipe-off) help you celebrate special days and reinforce concepts from instruction.

Workstation Activity Cards

Reinforce reading and language arts objectives, support collaborative conversations, and provide valuable science and social studies content with these creative learning center cards for small-group work.

Add-On Components

Spanish Language Development Kits

This kit includes language development cards and practice to offer extra support in non-transferable and transferable Spanish grammar skills, as well as additional instruction and practice in oral and written grammar skills. It has been designed to be used with the grammar and spelling lessons in the Maravillas Teacher’s Edition.

Leveled Reader Digital Library

Over 2,800 additional leveled reader titles available online. Search by grade, keyword, theme, genre, skill, Lexile level, and reading level. Easily assign leveled readers to a student or class.

Big Universe Digital Library

Over 14,000 authentic, leveled eBooks across grades K–12, in both English and Spanish. Powerful search functions identify texts by genre, reading level, or topic of interest, with cross-curricular support in science, social studies, and math.

Review and Evaluation Materials for Maravillas
