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ALEKS QuickTables for Grades 3–12

ALEKS QuickTables is a research-based, math fact mastery program for multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction for grades 3 and up. The online program offers an interactive Student Module with ongoing assessment, learning, review, and visual tracking of student progress.
In addition, a powerful Teacher Module allows teachers to monitor student progress, generate customized worksheets, and adjust program settings to best fit student and class needs. ALEKS QuickTables requires minimal teacher involvement for immediate implementation.

ALEKS Quicktables Courses
(EN-SP) Fully Bilingual Course - English and Spanish
Course Curriculum:
- Whole Numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Measurement and Geometry
- Other Topics Available(*)
Course Curriculum:
- Whole Numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Measurement and Geometry
- Other Topics Available(*)
Course Curriculum:
- Whole Numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Measurement and Geometry
- Proportions and Percents
- Signed Numbers and Exponents
- Other Topics Available(*)
Course Curriculum:
- Whole Numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Measurement and Geometry
- Proportions and Percents
- Signed Numbers and Exponents
- Other Topics Available(*)
Course Curriculum:
- Whole Number Place Value
- Adding Whole Numbers
- Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Dividing Whole Numbers
- Fractions
- Measurement
- Representing and Interpreting Data
- Perimeter and Area
- Geometry
- Other Topics Available(*)
Course Curriculum:
- Whole Number Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction
- Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Dividing Whole Numbers
- Expressions and Equations
- Fraction Equivalence
- Operations with Fractions
- Fractions and Decimals
- Measurement
- Perimeter and Area
- Geometry
- Other Topics Available(*)
Course Curriculum:
- Place Value and Review of Arithmetic
- Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Dividing Whole Numbers
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals
- Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
- Fractions
- Operations with Fractions
- Expressions and Equations
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Perimeter, Area, and Volume
- Other Topics Available(*)
Middle School
Course Curriculum:
- Whole Numbers
- Decimals
- Fractions
- Ratios, Proportions, and Measurement
- Percents
- Integers and Rational Numbers
- Equations and Inequalities
- Graphs and Functions
- Lines, Angles, and Polygons
- Transformations
- Perimeter, Area, and Volume
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Other Topics Available(*)
*Other Topics Available:
By default, these topics are NOT included in the course, but can be added using the content editor in the Teacher Module.
ALEKS QuickTables is a research−based, math fact mastery program for multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction for grades 3 and up. The online program offers ongoing assessment, learning, review, and visual tracking of student progress.