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For Your Classroom & School

Our Principles

Reveal Math Grades 6-12

6–12 Pedagogy

A Research-Based Approach to Our 6–12 Math Curriculum

The Science of Learning Meets the Art of Teaching

Teach students that "I can" is the most powerful way to think.

Use Algebra Tiles to Subtract Integers, Introducing the Inquiry Question

Rich Tasks , Link will open in a new window

Online "Explore" activities begin with an open-ended question that requires deep conceptual thinking from the learner. Focused on student exploration and reasoning over right answers, Inquiry Questions in every lesson provides opportunities for students to apply their learning.

callout of I Can....use different methods, including algegra titles, number lines or the additive inverse, to subtract integers

"I Can" Statements , Link will open in a new window

Learning targets in the form of "I Can" statements appear at the beginning of each lesson to communicate the objective in student-friendly language.

callout example of Mindset Matters "Not Yet" doesn't mean "Never" and How can I apply it?

Mindset Matters Tips , Link will open in a new window

Each module in the Teacher Edition includes Mindset Matters tips. They provide strategies for encouraging a growth mindset and productive approaches to problem solving.

Apply the solar system callout asking how can you approach the task?  What Strategies can you use?

Productive Struggle Problems , Link will open in a new window

Problems that can be solved with multiple solution paths encourage productive struggle and challenge student thinking.

Engage students with activities, technology, and discussions that bring math to life. 

Math Probes example worksheets

Cheryl Tobey Formative Assessment Math Probes , Link will open in a new window

Each module features a Cheryl Tobey Formative Assessment Math Probe—exclusive to McGraw Hill. Students complete activities designed to target common misconceptions about mathematical concepts. Teacher resources include support for diagnosing and correcting these misconceptions.

Learn and Apply Arrive Math lesson screenshot

Intensive Support , Link will open in a new window

Arrive Math™ Take Another Look digital mini-lessons supplement core instruction with targeted skill support and extra practice. About 100 of these digital, student-driven lessons are included in each Reveal Math K–8 course.

screenshot of ALEKS dashboard on laptop

Personalized Learning , Link will open in a new window

ALEKS® is an online math solution for Grades 6–12 that uses adaptive technology to identify and provide instruction on the topics each student is most ready to learn. Through a continuous cycle of assessment, learning, and reinforcement, ALEKS develops a personalized learning path for each student to ensure measurable success.

example of Learnsmart on laptop, Which of the following are equations?

Supportive Technology , Link will open in a new window

LearnSmart®, included with Reveal Math, provides students with access to an online, interactive study tool. LearnSmart assesses a student’s proficiency and knowledge within a specific course, tracks which topics have been mastered, and identifies areas that need more study.

example screenshot of reports on laptop

Reports and Recommendations , Link will open in a new window

Drawing on performance data from student assessments and activities, the Reveal Math reports and recommendations provide teachers and administrators with the information they need to monitor and adjust instruction on a daily basis. Reports include an Activity Report, Standards Report, Recommendations Report, and Administrator Report.

Equip teachers with purposeful instruction, assessment, and differentiation tools to reach every student. 

Web Sketchpad software example showing on laptop

Web Sketchpad® , Link will open in a new window

Web Sketchpad activities, based on software from The Geometer’s Sketchpad, enhance understanding by dynamically demonstrating math concepts in action.

example of Desmos graphing calculator on tablet

Desmos , Link will open in a new window

The best-in-class Desmos graphing calculator, easily accessible online in Reveal Math, allows students to quickly and easily create visual representations of mathematical concepts.

callout examples of Talk About It prompts in Reveal Math

Mathematical Discourse , Link will open in a new window

Talk About It! prompts build mathematical discourse skills as students learn to clarify their thinking and defend their rationale.

eTools examples

eTools , Link will open in a new window

Embedded within lessons, a convenient collection of eTools builds a bridge from conceptual understanding to procedural fluency. It includes a number line tool, coordinate graphing tool, transformations tool, and algebra tiles tool.

digitall animation example on tablet

Engaging Technology , Link will open in a new window

Designed with student engagement in mind, the digital resources in Reveal Math include animations, videos, and interactive problems to enhance context and learning.

6–12 Math Curriculum Lesson Model

The abundant print and digital resources in Reveal Math intersect in a meaningful way to heighten the learning experience. Interactive print and digital tools increase student engagement while simultaneously deepening comprehension. 


The Warm Up covers the prerequisite skills needed for the lesson.

Teachers can also project the standards and vocabulary covered in the lesson using the Today’s Standards and What Vocabulary Will You Learn? slides.

Warm Up, Does each situation describe a

Warm Up


In Launch the Lesson, teachers utilize a hook to engage students and pique their interest.

Talk About It! prompts initiate student thinking about lesson content.

Warm Up, Does each situation describe a

Launch the Lesson





Students complete the rich task Explore activities online, working in collaborative groups to share ideas and approaches with their peers.

Quantitative graph example on worksheet and tablet



In the Learn portion of the lesson, student understanding is formalized through guided instruction.

Aligned print and digital content means teachers choose the most effective instructional pathway.

Guided content worksheet showing functions and screenshot on tablet



Students work through one or more Examples tied to the key concepts, followed by a quick Check (formative assessment) to measure their understanding. Examples and Checks can be completed in the print Interactive Student Edition or online. When Checks are completed online, performance data is instantly captured for the teacher.   

Example 2 Sketch a Qualitative Graphs worksheet and example on tablet

Examples & Check





The Exit Ticket provides a quick formative assessment opportunity that encourages students to reflect on their learning.

Write About It! prompts provide an opportunity for students to integrate writing skills in the classroom.

Exit ticket example on tablet

Exit Ticket


Students complete the Practice either online or in their print Interactive Student Edition to apply what they’ve learned and build procedural fluency.

When the Practice is completed online, performance data is instantly captured for the teacher.

Practice lesson 5-6 form Public Viewer example on laptop





Beyond 6–12 Core Math: Intervention and Personalized Learning

Reveal Math Learning System

There is no such thing as an average learner. All students can achieve success with a comprehensive system of support. With the complete classroom solution of Reveal Math, Arrive Math Booster, and ALEKS, the needs of every student can be met with engaging and targeted resources. 

Reveal Math

Core Instruction for All

Provides all universal Tier 1 instruction with whole-class, small-group, and individual activities, comprehensive assessments, and data-driven differentiation support.

Personalized, Adaptive Learning

Remediates and accelerates learning by delivering and adjusting content so each student is ready to learn.

*Optional purchase

Take Another Look

Integrated digital intervention lessons that target specific skills to fill learning gaps.
Arrive Math Booster

Targeted Intervention

Integrates intervention support into the classroom with 15-minute, teacher-led, hands-on digital lessons.

*Optional purchase
