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Grades 6–8

Examples of StudySync print and digital resources

StudySync 6–8: A Comprehensive Middle School ELA Curriculum

Bring Literature to Life for Every Learner

At Grades 6–8, instruction is focused on strong skills- and standards-based instruction that will provide the foundation for success in high school and beyond while still affording teachers the flexibility to customize the curriculum to the specific needs of their students and teaching style. Every day, students interact with high-quality classic and contemporary literature that’s rigorous, culturally relevant, and presented in a highly engaging digital format. 


  • Includes six units per grade for 180 days of integrated reading, writing, listening, and speaking instruction.
  • Features a continuously growing library of over 2000 classic and contemporary texts.
  • Supports interchangeable print and digital use.
  • Enhances instruction with rich multimedia and digital tools.
  • Automatically embeds scaffolds, so ALL students reach their potential.

Components for StudySync 6–8

StudySync’s print and digital resources are designed to be used interchangeably for teachers and students in all types of classrooms. The print materials support the digital platform so that teachers and students can switch seamlessly between individual devices, shared devices, or device-free structures depending on levels of access and the needs of students.

Digital Components

StudySync Library on laptop and phone screen: All Summer in a Day, teenagers, Barrio Boy, and the Lottery

Student Digital Subscription

In the StudySync digital student platform, 6–8 students can access assignments, view completed work in their binder, and search the StudySync digital library of texts. When students log in, they see assignments that have yet to be completed. When students choose an assignment, they have automatic access to any scaffolds or graphic organizers associated with that lesson. 

StudySync welcome screen on laptop: Welcome back, Mr. Jennings

Teacher Digital Subscription

In the StudySync digital teacher platform, teachers can view all the lessons and components in a unit, modify lessons and activities as necessary for the needs of their classroom and students, explore Prompts, Blasts, Skills, and Texts in the StudySync Library, access student work and grade book, and modify student settings for language proficiency and supplemental language. In the digital platform, teachers have access to all components of lessons, lesson plans, scaffolds, and supplemental materials.

Print Components

StudySync’s targeted print materials support the digital platform, as well as varying levels of access to curricular content and the needs of middle school students.

StudySync Middle School Reading and Writing companion student edition covers

Student Reading and Writing Companion

The print Student Edition allows students to transition to offline work seamlessly. It includes every text from the Thematic units, as well as all accompanying Think Questions, Skills Focus, and Writing Prompts. Sample student annotations appear in the margins of every First Read and Close Read text to provide students with a model for effective annotation and analysis. The Student Edition also includes Writing Process, Writing Skill, and Grammar lessons from the Extended Writing Project. 

StudySync Middle School Teacher Edition covers

Teacher Edition Print Companion

The print Teacher’s Edition places the essential elements of the lesson plans, scaffolds, and supplemental materials alongside reproductions of pages from the print Student Edition, providing teachers with point-of-use tools for instruction, scaffolding, and extension.

Novel covers: Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, The Jungle Book, and The Story of My Life

Print Novels and Full-Length Works

Take advantage of our robust offering of print novels. At Grades 6–8, 2 Novel Studies accompany each thematic unit and include comparative reading and writing lessons. Use our novels for full-class study, literature circles, independent reading, or in a reading workshop model – also perfect for building intentional and connected classroom libraries!
