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Grades K–5
English Language Development Kit

Grades K–5
Foundational Skills Kits
Foundational Skills Kits: Grades K–3
Foundations for Lifelong Literacy
The Science of Reading reveals a clear link between early literacy skills and later success in reading and writing. It tells us that complex learning cannot take place without strong foundational skill. Foundational Skills Kits lay the critical groundwork for fluency and comprehension. In Grades K–3, instruction will emphasize:
- Letter knowledge and phonemic awareness
- Oral blending and segmentation
- Phonics to learn sound/spelling relationships
- Oral language and vocabulary
- Fluency, including decoding and encoding
- Foundational word analysis
Components for Foundational Skills Kits
Grade K
Instructional Resources
Student Components
Kit Resources
- Alphabet Wall Cards
- Small-Group Alphabet Sound Cards
- Individual Alphabet Sound Cards (4 sets)
- High-Frequency Flash Cards
- Pre-Decodable & Decodable Take-home BLM
- Magnetic Letters
- Pocket Chart
- Individual Pocket Chart
- Pocket Chart Picture Cards
- Pocket Chart Word Cards
- Lion Puppet
- Alphabet Letter Cards (upper & lowercase)
- Magnetic Dry Erase Board
- Alphabet Little Book
- Pickled Peppers Little Book
- Letter Cubes
- English Learner Photo Cards
- Alphabet Sound Stickers

Alphabet Sound Cards , Link will open in a new window
31 color-coded cards: 21 consonants, 5 long vowels, 5 short vowels. Three sizes: Individual, Small-Group, Wall Card. Digital cards recite the sound card story and each picture illustrates a motion.

Pre-Decodable and Decodable Stories , Link will open in a new window
14 Core Pre-Decodable, 28 core decodable stories, available in print and digital format.
Teacher Components
Components available in both print and digital format (unless noted otherwise)

Teacher’s Guide , Link will open in a new window
Every lesson provides differentiated instruction for phonics, fluency, vocabulary and language development, and word analysis.

Teacher Resource Book , Link will open in a new window
Lesson-by-lesson instructional support for at-risk and English learners. Implemented during small-group.

Skills Practice BLM , Link will open in a new window
Practice alphabetic knowledge, phonemic awareness, and phonics.

Assessment BLM (digital only) , Link will open in a new window
Measure alphabetic knowledge, phonemic awareness, and phonics.
Grade 1
Instructional Resources
Student Components
Kit Resources
- Sound/Spelling Wall Cards
- Small-Group Sound/Spelling Cards
- Individual Alphabet Sound/Spelling Cards (4 sets)
- High-Frequency Flash Cards
- Pre-Decodable and Decodable Take-home BLM (2)
- Lion Puppet
- Alphabet Letter Cards (uppercase/lowercase)
- Magnetic Dry Erase Board
- Rhyme Stew Little Book
- Letter Cubes
- English Learner Photo Cards
- Sound/Spelling Stickers

Sound/Spelling Cards , Link will open in a new window
Represents 44 most common sounds. Three sizes: Individual, Small-Group, Wall. Digital versions recite the Sound/Spelling story, and the picture illustrates a motion.

Pre-Decodable and Decodable Stories , Link will open in a new window
Five Pre-Decodable stories and 109 decodable stories. Available in print and digital format.
Teacher Components
Components available in both print and digital format (unless noted otherwise)

Teacher’s Guide , Link will open in a new window
Every lesson provides differentiated instruction for phonics, fluency, vocabulary and language development, and word analysis.

Teacher Resource Book , Link will open in a new window
Lesson-by-lesson instructional support for at-risk and English learners. Implemented during small-group.

Skills Practice BLM , Link will open in a new window
Practice phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency.

Assessment BLM (digital only) , Link will open in a new window
Measure phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency.
Grade 2
Instructional Resources
Student Components
Kit Resources
- Sound/Spelling Wall Cards
- Small-Group Sound/Spelling Cards
- Individual Sound/Spelling Cards (4 sets)
- High-Frequency Flash Cards
- Decodable Take-home BLM
- Alphabet Letter Cards (uppercase/lowercase)
- Word Cubes
- English Learner Photo Cards
- Sound/Spelling Stickers

Sound/Spelling Cards , Link will open in a new window
Represents 44 most common sounds. Three sizes: Individual, Small-Group, Wall. Digital versions recite the Sound/Spelling story, and the picture illustrates a motion.

Pre-Decodable and Decodable Stories , Link will open in a new window
55 Core Decodable stories in seven books. Available in print and digital format.
Teacher Components
Components available in both print and digital format (unless noted otherwise)

Teacher’s Guide , Link will open in a new window
Every lesson provides differentiated instruction for phonics, fluency, vocabulary and language development, and word analysis.

Teacher Resource Book , Link will open in a new window
Lesson-by-lesson instructional support for at-risk and English learners. Implemented during small-group.

Skills Practice BLM , Link will open in a new window
Practice phonics, spelling, accessing complex texts, writing, grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Assessment BLM (digital only) , Link will open in a new window
Measure phonics, spelling, accessing complex texts, writing, grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Grade 3
Instructional Resources
Student Components
Kit Resources
- Sound/Spelling Wall Cards
- Small-Group Sound/Spelling Cards
- Individual Sound/Spelling Cards (4 sets)
- High-Frequency Flash Cards
- Decodable Take-home BLM
- Alphabet Letter Cards (uppercase/lowercase)
- Word Cubes
- English Learner Photo Cards
- Sound/Spelling Stickers

Sound/Spelling Cards , Link will open in a new window
Represents 44 most common sounds. Three sizes: Individual, Small-Group, Wall. Digital versions recite the Sound/Spelling story, and the picture illustrates a motion.

Pre-Decodable and Decodable Stories , Link will open in a new window
23 Core Decodable stories available in four books. Available in print and digital format.<
Teacher Components
Components available in both print and digital format (unless noted otherwise)

Teacher’s Guide , Link will open in a new window
Every lesson provides differentiated instruction for phonics, fluency, vocabulary and language development, and word analysis.

Teacher Resource Book , Link will open in a new window
Lesson-by-lesson instructional support for at-risk and English learners. Implemented during small-group.

Skills Practice BLM , Link will open in a new window
Practice word analysis, vocabulary, accessing complex texts, spelling, fluency writing, grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Assessment BLM (digital only) , Link will open in a new window
Measure word analysis, vocabulary, accessing complex texts, spelling, fluency writing, grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Sample Program Online
Get a sample of Foundational Skills Kits Open Court Reading. Discover new ideas, lessons, and strategies to improve literacy skills.