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K–12 Print Offering

Personalized, independent reading in your classroom

Proven Pedagogy: A bear looks at the SRA Reading Laboratory
components box through a magnifying glass.

Proven Pedagogy

Develop confident and independent readers with SRA Reading Laboratory®—
a self-guided reading program that ensures each student is working and advancing at their optimal pace.

Proven Pedagogy: A bear looks at the SRA Reading Laboratory
components box through a magnifying glass.

Program Design

Designed for ease of use, the program matches each student to a color-coded reading level based on their current abilities. As students progress, reading levels gradually increase in complexity, and text selections gradually increase in word count.

Know Your Color: The Placement Chart for SRA Reading Laboratory 1A.

Know Your Color

At the beginning of the program, students place into the appropriate Lexiled® color level using the Starting Level Guide found in the Teacher's Handbook.

Know Your Color: The Placement Chart for SRA Reading Laboratory 1A.
Read Independently: Two pages excerpted from a Power Builder.

Read Independently

Students select Power Builders within each color level based on what sparks their interest. Each Power Builder consists of a reading selection and text-related questions focusing on comprehension, word analysis, vocabulary, and grammar.

Check and Revisit: An excerpted Skill Builder features an exercise on antonyms.

Check and Revisit

After students complete a Power Builder, they check their work with the corresponding Key Card. Based on their results, the Key Card may direct students to complete a Skill Builder targeting specific areas for improvement.

Check and Revisit: An excerpted Skill Builder features an exercise on antonyms.
Monitor Self-Progress: Two Key Cards show the answers to corresponding Power Builders.

Monitor Self-Progress

As students complete Power Builders within their color level, they record their score in a Student Record Book to monitor progress over time.

Level up: A smiling child holds books on top of their head.

Level Up

Once students have made significant progress within their color level, they are ready to move up to the next level and complete new Power Builders for more advanced skills.

Level up: A smiling child holds books on top of their head.

Student-Driven Learning

By empowering students to take control of their learning, SRA Reading Laboratory fosters agency and a love of reading with each activity they complete.

Throughout SRA Reading Laboratory, students continuously monitor their own progress to determine when they are ready to advance to the next color level. 
By putting them in the driver’s seat, the program encourages students to take ownership of their 
learning and invest in their outcomes.

Investing with Agency: A child sits against a shelf of books reading.

The program sets students up for success by placing them at the right starting point and challenging them in ways that stretch their learning rather than overwhelm them—building confidence in their reading skills and abilities.

Learning with Confidence: Three children smile as they read a book together.

Each level of SRA Reading Laboratory incorporates a variety of cross-curricular topics, so students can explore areas of interest and recognize reading as a tool for engaging with their passions in and out of the classroom!

Reading with Excitement: A child looks up from his book smiling.

SRA Reading Laboratory is designed for students of all ages and abilities. Each lab includes 12 color levels of materials.

Lab 1a typically accommodates most first grade readers from Emerging to 690L. For slightly stronger readers, Lab 1b covers 240L to 840L. Lab 1c accommodates readers up
to 3rd grade from 290L to 890L.

Lab 2a typically accommodates fourth and fifth graders from 390L to 1020L. Lab 2b is designed for readers from 490L to 1150L.

Labs 3a and 3b are designed to challenge middle and high school readers.

Find the right level of SRA Reading Laboratory
for your classroom.

A Lab for Every Level: The components box for SRA Reading Laboratory 1A.