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High School Social Studies
Social studies opens students’ eyes to the rich fabric of our world by helping them discern cultural and historical patterns, understand stories and traditions, and connect their own experiences to those of others. Explore our programs to find the right one for your classroom.
United States History
Link past to present to help students make sense of their nation and world through the lens of history. This inquiry-based curriculum incorporates current events to spark informed action and empowers students to recognize how history relates to them.

Advance Learning Through Inquiry
For the teacher who never has enough sources or is all in on inquiry, the Inquiry Journal is designed to extend the inquiry process and delves deeper with a new Compelling Question and a diverse range of additional primary and secondary sources.

Choose between a variety of learning resources to engage your students in thought-provoking and personalized learning opportunities. Teacher and Student Editions come in Full Survey or Modern Times in both print and digital form.

Teacher Edition

Student Edition

Inquiry Journal

Topic Tests & Lesson Quizzes
World History
Link past to present to help students make sense of their nation and world through the lens of history. This inquiry-based curriculum incorporates current events to spark informed action and empowers students to recognize how history relates to them.

Explore History Through the Lens of Those Who Lived It
With a focus on primary and secondary sources, students will gather evidence, draw conclusions, communicate understanding, and take informed action. Every topic includes at least two Inquiry Activity lessons covering a wide range of voices and perspectives provided by excerpts from interviews, magazine articles, poems, song lyrics, photographs, and much more.

Choose between a variety of learning resources to engage your students in thought-provoking and personalized learning opportunities. Teacher and Student Editions come in Full Survey or Modern Times in both print and digital form.

Teacher Edition

Student Edition

Inquiry Journal

Topic Tests & Lesson Quizzes
World History Video
Swahili Culture
United States Government & Civics
United States Government & Civics features a strong emphasis on critical thinking, primary and secondary source work, and the development of essential skills needed for college, career, and civic life. This practical, interactive curriculum encourages active citizenship, civic engagement, and civil discourse while challenging students’ preconceived notions.

Building Real-World Skills
Challenge preconceived notions and engage in civil discourse with activities including:
- Debates.
- Deliberations.
- Supreme Court Cases.
- Government in Your Community.
- Civic Participation.
- Participating in your government, and more.

Choose between a variety of learning resources to engage your students in thought-provoking and personalized learning opportunities. Teacher and Student Edition come in both print and digital form.

Teacher Edition

Student Edition

Inquiry Journal

Chapter Tests & Lesson Quizzes
United States Government and Civics Video
The Voting Process
Featuring new data sets, charts, and graphs, including data from the 2020 census, Economics engages students with relevant topics and interactive resources—including brand new videos and interactive maps—that help strengthen their understanding of macro and microeconomic principles.

Building Real-World Skills
Promote financial literacy, comprehension, and critical thinking skills with activities including:
- Essential Questions.
- Case Studies.
- Global Economy & You Activities.
- Economic Perspectives.
- Debate features, and more.

Choose between a variety of learning resources to engage your students in thought-provoking and personalized learning opportunities. Teacher and Student Edition come in both print and digital.

Teacher Edition

Student Edition

Inquiry Journal

Chapter Tests & Lesson Quizzes
Economics Video
Prices As A System