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Science of Literacy
Science of Literacy

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The essentials of literacy instruction.
Literacy is the foundation of learning across all disciplines. For several years, the Science of Reading has been dominating the national conversation about literacy, with phonics at its center.
As research and knowledge continue to evolve, it’s time to expand our definition of what science-based reading instruction entails. Let’s start thinking in terms of the Science of Literacy—a phrase that encompasses the Science of Reading, the Science of Writing, and Knowledge Building more broadly. Because together, these bodies of research unlock the wide array of interrelated skills needed to build strong readers, writers, and thinkers. And the more you write, the better you read, the more you understand. Together, we can apply the Science of Literacy to help students explore their curiosities, develop their interests, and share them with the world.
Learning from the Experts
We’re honored to partner with renowned experts and researchers—including McGraw Hill curriculum authors Dr. Jan Hasbrouck, Dr. Douglas Fisher, and Dr. Timothy Shanahan—to explore and apply the Science of Literacy.
In this video, hear from Dr. Hasbrouck about how she cuts through the noise when it comes to competing guidance on the Science of Reading.
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When it comes to reading and listening comprehension, the knowledge students already have highly predicts their understanding. As a result, activating students’ prior knowledge, alongside building new student knowledge, is a key part of supporting their literacy success. This content drop shares resources to support you as work to both activate and build student knowledge in your classroom.

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Explore the importance of background knowledge and discover ways to support student application of knowledge in the secondary classroom.

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Dr. Doug Fisher discusses the key role knowledge plays in literacy achievement, including the interplay between building and activating knowledge.

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Hear from literacy experts on building and activating knowledge across K–12 and learn about the relationships between knowledge, technology, and educational equity.

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Find practical tips for helping students as they shift from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”

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Learn more about the research behind the Science of Reading and discover related frameworks.

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Hear insights from literacy experts about relating well-known frameworks to the Science of Reading, using research to support multilingual learners, and more.

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Experts discuss Science of Reading misconceptions and share tips for applying research-based instructional strategies.

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Read how you can bring instructional moves supported by the Science of Reading into your secondary classroom.

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Learn how to help multilingual learners develop the language and literacy skills that will put them on an equal footing with their peers.

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Support English Learners with instruction that addresses their unique needs by looking to the Science of Reading.

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Learn from multilingual education experts on best practices to support multilingual learners in your classroom.

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Explore key takeaways and practical tips from our “Supporting Multilingual Learners with the Science of Reading” session.

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Learn how to build knowledge and support reading comprehension from literacy expert Dr. Douglas Fisher.

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Discover how a strong knowledge building framework to ELA helps ensure students have access to rich and motivating instruction.

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Learn more about disciplinary literacy and gain strategies to help students read and write about disciplinary text.
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Explore the power of knowledge-building in middle and high school to expand understanding and foster learning across content areas.
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In this webinar, literacy experts Dr. Steve Graham, Dr. Karen Harris, and Dr. Young-Suk Kim provide practical tips to build strong writers in the classroom and beyond.

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Explore the 10 key elements of an effective elementary writing program in this whitepaper from leading literacy expert, Dr. Timothy Shanahan.

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Learn more about effective writing instruction and gain strategies to help students become successful writers from elementary to high school.

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Discover six simple steps you can incorporate in your classroom to create a supportive writing environment from writing expert Dr. Steve Graham.

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Find out more about the importance of phonological awareness and related recommendations for instruction.

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Read about how multimodal instruction supports learners and discover multimodal practices for your classroom.

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Learn about the Science of Reading at grades 6–12 and explore high-leverage classroom strategies for secondary educators.

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Watch experts discuss effective implementation of the gradual release model in literacy instruction.

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Drs. Steve Graham and Karen Harris explore the reading-writing connection across K–12, including close reading to support writing at K–5 and writing instruction best practices.

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Discover insights on how reading leads to writing, as well as research-based methods to support the development of student writing skills.

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This post discusses interrelated reading and writing skills and offers best practices for strengthening the reading-writing connection in your literacy instruction.

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Join Dr. Douglas Fisher as he discusses how to build value for writing and transform instruction so that it takes a front seat in your classroom.

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