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Intervention Programs for Arkansas

Grades K–5 , Link will open in a new window

Grades K–5 , Link will open in a new window

Grades 3–Adult , Link will open in a new window

Grades K–8 , Link will open in a new window
Intervention Overview for Arkansas
Supports Response to Intervention (RTI) Initiatives in Arkansas
To support all Arkansas students, we offer tiered solutions that are recognized by rigorous, independent education research and evaluation databases. We help you meet accountability standards with results that visibly improve outcomes for all Arkansas students.
Choose from Math and Literacy Intervention Options for Arkansas Students
For math, Arrive Math Booster (K–8) provides Tier 1 and Tier II support. For literacy, Open Court Reading Foundational Skills Kits (K–5) offer Tier I support while Reading Mastery (K–5) and Corrective Reading (3–Adult) offer Tier II and Tier III support.