My Account Details
Program Foundations
Validated academic research serves as the foundation for explicit strategies, impactful routines, engaging activities, and purposeful facilitation questions throughout California Reveal Math®. That research has also provided an evidence-based framework for fostering positive math identities, promoting thinking and problem-solving, and nurturing every student's inner math person.
We additionally relied on user testing and feedback from California educators to inform the creation of academically and educationally sound instructional materials.
In collaboration with McGraw Hill learning scientists, our expert advisory team and authorship designed California Reveal Math, a K–12 core mathematics program, around proven classroom practices and rigorous academic research.

John SanGiovanni, M.Ed.
Mathematical Practices
John SanGiovanni, M.Ed., is a leading expert on fostering positive student identity, agency, and community in math. An authority on math fluency, number sense, productive struggle, mathematical practices and habits of mind, teaching problem-solving, and professional development to improve teacher efficacy, he is the author of California Reveal Math Number Routines and Data Talks.
- Coordinator of Elementary Mathematics, Howard County, Maryland
- NCSM Board of Directors, 2020–2023
- Instructional Leader program, McDaniel College
- NCTM Board of Directors, 2015–2018
- Coauthor of the best-selling "Putting the Practices Into Action" and "Mastering the Basic Math Facts" series
Coming Soon
Problem Solving for Routine Thinking, Reasoning, Discussion, and Engagement , Link will open in a new window
Using Mathematical Practices Effectively in the Classroom , Link will open in a new window

Linda Gojack, M.Ed.
Rich Tasks
An expert in both theory and practice of strong mathematics instruction, Linda Gojack, M.Ed., is a proponent of reflective teaching and making math accessible for all students. She is a contributing author in the area of rich tasks.
- NCSM President, 2005–2007
- NCTM President, 2012–2014
- NCTM Board of Directors, 1996–1999
A Key to Deep Understanding: The Importance of Rich Tasks in K–12 Mathematics , Link will open in a new window

Annie Fetter
Mathematical Curiosity
Annie Fetter is an advocate for leveraging students’ ideas, mathematical curiosity, and sense-making to foster engagement, conceptual understanding, and strong problem-solving. She is the author of California Reveal Math Be Curious Sense-Making Routines.
- Founding member, The Math Forum, 1992–2017
- Math Education Specialist at the 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education
Four Ways to Encourage Sensemaking in Math: A Guide for TK–12 California Educators , Link will open in a new window

Raj Shah, Ph.D.
Inquiry and Productive Struggle
An expert in mathematics instruction, Raj Shah, Ph.D., is passionate about teaching in ways that evoke wonder and joy. The author of the California Reveal Math Ignite! Activities, he is a proud champion of perseverant problem solvers, curiosity in mathematics, inquiry, rich tasks, productive struggle, and promoting meaningful mathematics discussions.
- Founder, Math Plus Academy, an after-school STEM enrichment program for students ages 5–14
- Affiliate, Math Teacher Circles and the Julia Robinson Math Festival
- Founding member, The Global Math Project
Coming Soon
Transform Tasks to Spark Curiosity , Link will open in a new window
Promoting a Math-Positive Classroom: A Guide for TK–12 California Educators , Link will open in a new window

Sarah Bush, Ph.D.
Equitable Teaching and Cultural Relevance
An expert on equitable teaching and cultural relevance in mathematics, Sarah Bush, Ph.D., advocates for a whole-school approach to collaborative and cohesive high-quality math instruction. She previously taught middle school math and now teaches at the graduate level. Dr. Bush is a contributing author in the area of equitable teaching and cultural relevance.
- Professor of K–12 STEM Education at the University of Central Florida (UCF)
- Program Coordinator, Mathematics Education Track of the Ph.D. in Education—UCF
- Lockheed Martin Eminent Scholar Chair—UCF
- Director of the Lockheed Martin/UCF Mathematics and Science Academy
- NCTM Board of Directors, 2019–2022
Students Need Their Math Teachers to Collaborate. Here’s Why. , Link will open in a new window

Christa Jackson, Ph.D.
Diverse Cultural Perspectives
Formerly an elementary and middle school math and science teacher, Christa Jackson, Ph.D., is dedicated to transforming the STEM community by promoting STEM literacy, STEM identities, and STEM sense of belonging. She is a contributing author in the area of diverse cultural perspectives.
- Professor of Mathematics, Science, and STEM Education, Saint Louis University
- Founder and Director, Institute for STEM Collaboration, Outreach, Research, and Education (iSCORE)
- NCTM Representative, U.S. National Commission on Mathematics Instruction
- President of the School Science and Mathematics Association, 2020–2022
- Editor of the "Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World" children’s book series
Fostering Mathematical Brilliance in All Students , Link will open in a new window

Georgina Rivera, M.Ed.
Supporting Multilingual Learners
Drawing from her own experience as a multilingual learner, Georgina Rivera, M.Ed., is an authority on building student agency through culturally responsive teaching. A former educator and teacher leader, she is passionate about students’ well-being, equitable instruction, and high-quality classroom practices. Georgina Rivera is a contributing author in the area of supporting multilingual learners.
- Principal of a PreK–5 school, West Hartford, Connecticut
- Former Mathematics Supervisor, coach, and teacher for 23 years
- NCSM Vice President, 2021–2023 and Professional Learning Director, 2019–2021
Coming Soon
Tips & Strategies for Equitable Classroom Instruction , Link will open in a new window

Cheryl Tobey, M.Ed.
Formative Assessment
Cheryl Tobey, M.Ed., specializes in differentiated professional development for teaching students who struggle with mathematics. The author of Math Probes formative assessment activities in California Reveal Math, she is an expert in identifying student misconceptions and developing learning targets to help define formative assessment.
- State Elementary Mathematics Specialist, Maine Department of Education
- Professional Development Specialist, Education Development Center and Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance
- Coauthor of 12 books on formative assessment
Developing Learning Targets: Defining Formative Assessment , Link will open in a new window
Identifying Student Misconceptions with Formative Assessment Math Probes , Link will open in a new window
Research and Thought Leadership
We developed California Reveal Math in collaboration with leading scholars, researchers, and educators. Our research-based approach to educational equity, student agency, social and emotional learning, and more ensure that students learn in ways that work for them.