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South Carolina Personal Finance
Kapoor, Personal Finance, High School Edition, © 2024, 1e

A Real-World Approach to Personal Financial Literacy
Delivering comprehensive coverage of the key topics in personal finance courses, the program is designed to appeal to a diverse student population with a variety of life situations and financial literacy levels. The hands-on approach encourages students to think about relevant, real-life situations and goals and develop their understanding of the financial issues impacting them today and in the future. Customized content aligns to the Council for Economic Education and Jump$tart Coalition National Standards for Personal Financial Education.
Focus On
- Accessible instruction with a high school-friendly design, examples that resonate with students, and engaging illustrations of complex concepts and processes.
- Real life application with Your Dollars and $ense, BEAWARE!, Take Action, Financial Literacy NOW, Do the Math!, and What Would You Do features that engage students in the decision making, critical thinking, and practical skills they need for sound financial planning.
- Practice and assessment activities to help students develop core competencies with daily spending diaries, road maps, case studies, self-tests, research assignments, and projects.
- Extension activities in the companion workbook that offer an abundance of additional resources correlated to the textbook.
- Unmatched print and digital teacher support, including pacing information, lecture support, discussion prompts, and project-based learning ideas.
Personalized, Adaptive, and Dynamic Digital Resources
Focus on Personal Financial Literacy is enriched with multimedia content that enhances the teaching and learning experience, including application-based activities; an interactive eBook; adaptive, assignable SmartBook®; video series with questions to reinforce key concepts; and Finance Prep Courses covering Calculator, Mathematics, Excel, and more.