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Encounter the Phenomenon
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Inspire Curiosity
By encouraging creative problem-solving, you inspire their innovation.
Inspire Investigation
From Popsicles® to blue jeans, from televisions to smartphones—California has always been at the forefront of innovation. Students in classrooms today have the potential to solve the problems of tomorrow. California Inspire Science is designed to help you build the skills they’ll need to carry California’s legacy of inspired thinking.
By fostering student’s innate curiosity, you elevate
their critical thinking.
Inspire Innovation
Future Innovators,
California Inspired
By facilitating hands-on investigation, you deepen their understanding.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor inim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitatio reprehenderit iim aliqumodo consequat. iam, nostrud e. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor inim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitatio reprehenderit iim aliqumodo consequat. iam, nostrud e. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
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Are you ready to inspire the next generation of innovators?
This interactive guide will give you a brief orientation to the California Inspire Science program design and features while walking you through the module and lesson structure.
Click on an image to learn more.
Middle School
Experience a Module
Program Design
Contact Us
Start Interactive Guide
To promote college and career readiness through a more innovative approach to K–5 science education, California Inspire Science® is intentionally built to support three-dimensional learning and California’s rigorous Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Explore the pedagogical philosophies and instructional design strategies that serve as the foundation for California Inspire Science and discover how this program can transform the learning experience and bring science to life in your classroom.
Program Design
In order to promote college and career readiness through a more innovative approach to middle school science education, California Inspire Science Integrated and Discipline-Specific programs are intentionally built to support three-dimensional learning and California’s rigorous Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Explore the pedagogical philosophies and instructional design strategies that serve as the foundation for California Inspire Science and discover how this program can transform the learning experience and bring science to life in your classroom.
Inspire All Students
Designed for California NGSS
Learning begins with curiosity. California Inspire Science provides an in-depth, collaborative, and project-based learning experience designed to help you spark students’ interest and empower them to ask more questions and think more critically. Through inquiry-based, hands-on investigations of real-world phenomena, your students will be able to construct explanations for scientific phenomena or design solutions for real-world problems.
Anchoring Module Phenomena
Every day, we are surrounded by natural phenomena that pique our curiosity. In California Inspire Science, these phenomena are the centerpiece of each module and lesson. They engage students and inspire them to investigate key science and engineering concepts through a three-dimensional learning experience.
Each module begins with an anchoring phenomenon question that will promote student thinking and uncover students’ initial ideas. Throughout the module, at various points in each lesson, students will reveal their understanding by revisiting the anchoring phenomenon and seeing how their thinking has evolved.
Anchoring Module Phenomena
Cross-Curricular Connections
Investigative Lesson Phenomena
Inquiry Spectrum
California Environmental Connections
Resources for Every Classroom
We understand that different classrooms have different needs for physical and digital resources. We know those needs can change day to day. California Inspire Science Integrated or Discipline-Specific programs are designed to fit all of your resource needs through a wide array of print, digital, and hands-on materials, so you have access to all of the great learning resources in any form you’d like, whenever you need them.
Cross-Curricular Connections
Anchoring Module Phenomena
California Environmental Connections
Inquiry Spectrum
Investigative Lesson Phenomena
Differentiated Instruction
Language Building Resources
Uniting Phenomena
Inquiry is more than hands-on activities. With California Inspire Science, students will investigate phenomena through several techniques reflective of the way science and engineering are done in the real world.
Inquiry Spectrum
California Inspire Science integrates cross-curricular connections to the California Common Core State Standards for ELA/Literacy and California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in alignment with the California NGSS and California Science Framework.
Other connections include physical science, earth science, environmental studies, health, writing, reading, art, and STEM careers.
Cross-Curricular Connections
California Inspire Science has been designed to ensure that all students have access to quality, intellectually-rich science and engineering curriculum that supports language development and provides engaging learning opportunities.
Phenomenon-driven instruction engages all learners by allowing them to access the core science content through a shared experience observing highly relevant, real-world phenomena.
Uniting Phenomena
Uniting Phenomena
Uniting Phenomenon
Language Building Resources
Differentiated Instruction
California Inspire Science incorporates the research-based Universal Design Learning Principles to provide educational practices that support multiple means of engagement, representation, action, and expression to ensure that all students have access to rigorous curriculum. Differentiation support includes guiding questions for different student levels, as well as differentiation guidance, within the Teacher's Edition.
Differentiated Instruction
Language Building Resources
Each module and lesson has scaffolded activities designed to meet the California English Language Development (CA ELD) Framework Standards. These scaffolded activities offer English language learners the opportunity to engage with rigorous science and engineering content while supporting English language acquisition.
Provide your advanced and gifted learners with challenging activities that identify the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) to provide enrichment opportunities for demonstrating advanced performance in science and engineering. This is in addition to the approaching-, on-, and beyond-level support included in the differentiated instruction strategies for each module and lesson.
Advanced and Gifted Learners
Advanced and Gifted Learners
Professional Learning
Print and Hands-On Resources
Digital Resources
Student Edition
Teacher's Edition
Bilingual Poster Packs
Collaboration Kits
Science Content Videos
Phenomenon Videos
Virtual Labs
Beyond the Classroom
Slide Line Plus
Layer Reveal
Inspire Science 3D App
Program Implementation Support
Ongoing Pedagogy Support
Investigative Lesson Phenomena
Every lesson begins with an investigative phenomenon that will spark curiosity and help students build understanding so they can uncover the mystery of the anchoring phenomenon.
The print materials and Collaboration Kits within California Inspire Science encourage hands-on learning through the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Framework.
Print and Hands-on Resources
Teacher's Edition
Teacher's Edition
The Teacher's Edition is comprised of four units—broken down by module and lesson—along with a comprehensive step-by-step guide for teaching each unit with the support you need along the way.
Both the Integrated and Discipline-Specific programs feature this unit-to-unit progression design to help you guide your students as they build connected knowledge relating to the performance expectations.
Science Read Alouds
Investigator Articles
Bilingual Poster Packs
Collaboration Kits
Leveled Readers
Student Edition
Student Edition
Corresponding directly with the Teacher’s Edition, the interactive Student Edition features four units—broken down by module and lesson—that encourage hands-on learning through the California NGSS Framework.
Both the Integrated and Discipline-Specific programs feature this unit-to-unit progression design to help students meet performance expectations as they build connected knowledge of related information, with the sequence necessary to develop a full understanding of the content in novel situations.
Collaboration Kits
California Inspire Science Collaboration Kit materials are thoughtfully planned and deliberately organized to support the California NGSS. Each kit is labeled and organized by unit, module, and lesson to ensure learning will engage students, inspire investigation, and motivate deep thinking about core science concepts.
The consumable kit options within California Inspire Science make labs easier, fun, and engaging, so you can focus on creating collaborative, hands-on learning experiences for multiple classes every day.
The bilingual phenomenon posters are a great way to get students thinking about a variety of phenomena. There are also posters featuring Science and Engineering Practices and the Engineering Design Process as friendly reminders of these key concepts. These bilingual posters include English on one side and Spanish on the other.
Bilingual Poster Packs
LearnSmart with SmartBook® transforms the way students read. A proven, adaptive learning program, LearnSmart individualizes instruction to help each student study more efficiently and retain more knowledge.Improve reading comprehension by highlighting the most critical content a student needs to know.Provide practice and review to identify where students are excelling or where more support is needed.Prompt students to check their understanding and confirm content retention.Include detailed reports to help you identify at-risk students or topics for whole-group instruction.
Digital Resources
In addition to the digital versions of each print book, California Inspire Science provides a digital experience designed to make science come to life for your students that features innovative interactives such as videos, simulations, games, and more.
Phenomenon Videos
Phenomenon Videos
Phenomenon Videos are used to draw students into the content and provide a visual experience to encourage thinking and collaborative conversations.
Close Video
Science Content Videos
Layer Reveal
Beyond the Classroom
Virtual Labs
Drawing Tool
Slide Line Plus
Inspire Science 3D App
Science Content Videos
Science Content Videos bring interesting phenomena to life and enable students to feel like they are a part of the experience.
Virtual Labs provide an alternative engaging way for students to interact with an experiment that cannot always be done in a classroom setting.
Virtual Labs
Simulations are used to provide students with a digital experience when a hands-on inquiry activity isn’t easily replicated in the classroom.
Beyond the Classroom
A virtual field trip experience right from the classroom with tools to help students document their journey beyond the classroom.
The Layer Reveal interactive enables students to easily visualize cause and effect scenarios and focus on specific areas of an image, one focused section at a time.
Layer Reveal
Slide Line Plus
The Slide Line Plus feature allows students to progress through a storyline of images or highlight focused areas of visuals to concentrate on one element of a schematic at a time.
We know it can be a challenge to implement a new science program with new standards. That’s why California Inspire Science comes with a library of relevant, self-paced, professional learning videos and modules to support you from implementation through instructional progression and mastery—all available 24/7 at your fingertips.
Professional Learning
We know it can be a challenge to implement a new science program with new standards. Implementation support provides everything you need to know to get up to speed on the first day of school.Quick Start eLearning Modules explain program basics to help get you started.Plan, Teach, and Assess eLearning Modules provide deep dives into the program’s instructional model and resources.Digital Platform Support
In the technical support resource library, you will find step-by-step instructions for each of your digital tools to help you feel confident planning, teaching, and assessing in the digital experience.
Program Implementation Support
Program Implementation Support
Ongoing Pedagogy Support
Ongoing Pedagogy Support
With California Inspire Science, you will find a wide range of resources on key instructional and pedagogical topics, including videos from our program authors and consultants—all available 24/7 at your fingertips.STEM Classroom Videos that model lessons from real classrooms.Science Preconceptions Videos that review common preconceptions and strategies to overcome them.Instructional Coaching Videos discuss best practice strategies and the "why" behind the success.Teacher Activity Videos that show planning tips and expected results to help with hands-on activity time.Science Pedagogy Micro-Courses designed for your professional learning community with facilitation guides for both self-guided or small-group courses.
California Inspire Science Integrated and Discipline-Specific programs provide a phenomenon-driven, collaborative learning experience designed to spark students’ interests and empower them to ask questions.
Experience a Module
California Inspire Science® provides a phenomenon-driven, collaborative, learning experience designed to spark students’ interests and empower them to ask questions.
Module Opener
Module Wrap-Up
Explore a Lesson
Experience at a Glance
Inspire curiosity with a real-world phenomenon that encourages students to ask questions and investigate the world around them. The module-level anchoring phenomenon will uncover students’ initial ideas, creating a foundation for them to see how their thinking evolved as they progressed through the module.
The Module Opener begins the inquiry process by presenting an anchoring phenomenon to explore throughout the module. Lesson-level investigative phenomena and inquiry activities help students build a deeper understanding of the module phenomenon.
Encounter the Phenomenon
Encounter the Phenomenon
STEM Project Launch
STEM Module Project Planning
STEM Module Project Planning
As your students begin planning for their STEM Module Project they will revisit the planning pages they completed at the end of each lesson to see how what they’ve learned can be applied to the challenge at hand. Students will define the problem they’re trying to solve and complete research to deepen their understanding. They will think about the related STEM career that was introduced and discuss how real scientists or engineers prepare to solve a problem.
STEM Project Launch
Every module features a STEM Module Project where students will complete either a science or engineering challenge. At the launch of each module, students are introduced to the science or engineering scenario at the center of their STEM module project. Students will work on this project throughout the module as they apply what they learn in each lesson to help with their planning.
As students progress through each lesson and learn about related STEM careers, they will start to generate questions, set goals, and begin their initial planning before experiencing the design process like a real-world scientist or engineer.
Each lesson in California Inspire Science begins with a formative assessment Science Probe.
Science Probes present a real-world phenomenon or core concept to promote student thinking and discussion while informing your instruction by revealing what commonly held preconceptions your students are bringing to their learning.
Science Probes are created in partnership with Page Keeley M.Ed., a nationally renowned expert specializing in the use of formative assessment within science curricula to teach for conceptual change.
Lesson Launch Science Probe
Lesson Launch Science Probe
The phenomena-driven 5E lessons within California Inspire Science are designed to provoke critical thinking and spark creative problem-solving.
The Engage phase will inspire students’ curiosity with a real-world phenomenon that relates to the anchoring module phenomenon.
As students progress through the lesson, they will begin to reveal answers to the questions they generated and will revisit their initial thinking and see how it changes as they learn new information.
This allows students to correlate all phenomenon throughout the unit as a common theme.
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER)
The Explore/Explain phase provides your students with hands-on learning experiences through investigations and labs. By utilizing different types of inquiry activities, students will ask critical questions, collect and interpret data, and begin to reveal answers to their questions as they build their overall understanding.
A variety of engaging content is used during the Elaborate phase to help students connect concepts to the real world. Some examples include:
A Closer LookSTEM Career ConnectionsPrimary SourceScience and Society
In the Evaluate phase of the instructional model, you are able to gauge student progress toward achieving lesson objectives. This is a time to assess students’ new understanding and abilities.
STEM Project Completion
STEM Project Completion
As the module comes to a close, students will complete a final culminating STEM Module Project to demonstrate their understanding of the performance expectations in the module. Through the completion of the project, students apply the three dimensions of learning to solve a problem related to the module phenomenon.
Revisit the Anchoring Module
Revisit the Anchoring Module
In the Module Wrap-Up phase, students revisit the anchoring module phenomenon at the beginning of the module. By doing this, they'll create critical connections and synthesize what they’ve learned through the lesson phenomena to answer the phenomenon question using the knowledge they've acquired throughout the module and the STEM module project as evidence.
STEM Project Launch
Encounter the Phenomenon
STEM Module Project Planning
Lesson Launch Science Probe
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
Next Generation Assessment Strategies
California Inspire Science includes a variety of formative and summative assessment options to support teachers with differentiation strategies and support students on their journey to master performance expectations.
Following are the types of assessment resources within California Inspire Science, found online and in the print Student Editions.
California Inspire Science includes a variety of formative and summative assessment options to support teachers with differentiation strategies and support students on their journey to master performance expectations.
Following are the types of assessment resources within California Inspire Science, found online and in the print Student Editions.
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Formative assessment, embedded at many points throughout each module and lesson, facilitates student reflection on their thinking (metacognition) and allows teachers to dynamically differentiate instruction. Following are the types of formative assessment resources you'll find in California Inspire Science, found online and in the print Student Editions.
Science Probes
Science Probes
Created in partnership with Page Keeley M. Ed., Science Probes present real-world phenomena or core concepts to promote student thinking and discussion. By revealing what commonly held preconceptions and initial ideas your students are bringing to their learning, Science Probes will help inform your instruction to better meet their needs.
Talk About It
Inquiry Activities
Three-Dimensional Thinking Questions
With the CER Framework, students will make claims and document their reasoning during the Explore phase. Later in the lesson, they will have the opportunity to add evidence and adjust their claims as needed.
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER)
Students will encounter questions that address at least two of the three dimensions of the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and check progress with the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs), and performance expectations.
Three-Dimensional Thinking Questions
All inquiry activities in California Inspire Science promote student engagement and allow each student to develop inquiry and science and engineering skills. Activities range from simple investigations to more complex lab explorations, and cover the full range of the inquiry spectrum.Investigations offer students the ability to dive into a topic with engaging questions in single or group settings. Lab activities provide more complex explorations with hands-on approaches to learning.
Inquiry Activities
Inquiry Activities
Three-Dimensional Thinking Questions
Science Probes
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER)
Module Test
STEM Module Project
Module Pretest
Lesson Check
CAST Practice Guide
Summative assessment tools at the module and lesson level help ensure lasting learning and alignment of student skills to the Performance Expectations. Following are the summative assessment tools found in California Inspire Science, both online and in the print student editions.
The Module Pretests, found at the beginning of each module, assess prerequisite knowledge and understanding of the Disciplinary Core Ideas from previous grades to evaluate student readiness before the start of each module.
Module Pretest
Module Pretest
STEM Module Project
CAST Practice Guide
Module Test
Lesson Check
At the end of the lessons, students will demonstrate their understanding of at least two of the three dimensions of California NGSS to develop three-dimensional thinking skills.
Found in every lesson online, Lesson Checks determine how students are building a progression of learning toward the performance expectations.
Lesson Check
Found at the end of each module online, Module Tests evaluate student proficiency against the performance expectations with multiple choice, extended response, constructed response, and performance-task items.
Module Test
STEM Module Project
With each STEM Module Project, found at the end of every module, students will complete performance-based rubrics and answer summative questions to demonstrate how they've applied their knowledge and understanding of the performance expectations to their project.
Students practice and check their understanding of scientific language.
Vocabulary Check
Vocabulary Check
CAST Practice Guide
Featuring guided and independent practice for students and scoring rubrics for teachers, the CAST Practice Guide will help prepare your students for the California Science Test with performance tasks at both the lesson and module levels.
Close Image
Revisit the Anchoring Module
STEM Project Completion
Experience at a Glance
California Inspire Science’s phenomena-driven 5E lessons are designed to provoke critical thinking and spark creative problem-solving. At the beginning of each module, students will be introduced to a STEM Module Project that they will complete at the end of the module, with touch points at the end of each lesson for project planning.
With its user-friendly instructional model that blends the 5E approach with key California Next Generation Science Standards goals, California Inspire Science makes the transition to CA NGSS easy and exciting while helping you ensure that all students are actively building mastery of the performance expectations.
Contact your sales representative for more information or start a 30-day free trial to discover the difference California Inspire Science can make inside your classroom.
Are you ready to be inspired?
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Available in Spanish
On-Level Available in Spanish
Inspire Science 3D App
The California Inspire Science 3D app allows students to explore natural phenomena and in-depth scientific topics through the wonders of augmented/virtual reality and provides them with the opportunity to engage with more than just a two-dimensional image on a page.
California Environmental Connections
California Environmental Connections
California Environmental Connections allow students the opportunity to engage with content that is relevant to their everyday surroundings.
During the Explore/Explain phase, students will utilize the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) framework to make claims and document their reasoning. They can add evidence and adjust their claims as needed later in the lesson.