From One Student to Another: How to Deal with Back to School Stress
Learn from an upperclassman some key strategies to managing stress throughout college.
I recently graduated from Maryville University and will be staying to complete my MBA by May of 2024! Along the way, I have learned a few tips and tricks to help manage my stress that I can share.
- Keep a Planner
One of the most beneficial things I have learned to do is keep a planner and write in all of my commitments. I schedule my work hours, events and meetings. Additionally, I write down when my assignments are due so I can visually see how many days I have left to complete them! It helps me be aware of what is due when and helps me get my assignments turned in on time. Another benefit of using a planner is that it helps avoid scheduling overlapping events or meetings. - Schedule in Free Time
Another tip is to schedule a time in the evening that will be your free time. After a specific set time in the evening, I do not respond to emails, do homework, or look at anything school related. Making time to take a break and relax is so important! During my free time in the evening, I usually watch TV, talk to friends, read, and clean up my room. - Get Outside
To help manage my stress, I enjoy taking walks outside and getting some fresh air. I will usually take a break from homework in the afternoon and go take a walk around campus. This helps distract me from the stress that homework brings and is a great opportunity to get my body moving. - Create a Morning Routine
Lastly, I have a structured morning routine that I follow to manage my stress levels. It does not matter what time I wake up or where I am going, I still do it! I have a quick morning routine that I follow which provides me with structure and helps me be more productive! My morning routine consists of washing my face, doing my skincare, eating breakfast, meditating, and getting dressed to start my day.
These tips are easy to do and can be flexible to whatever you need for your schedule and life. Stress is unavoidable during college but you can do things to make it easier to cope with.