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ISBN10: 1260441954 | ISBN13: 9781260441956
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Chapter 1 Pre-Colombian/Native American History
Chapter 2 Early Exploration and the Spanish and French in the Colonies of the New World
Chapter 3 Early English Colonies
Chapter 4 The Era of Discontent and War for Independence
Chapter 5 The Constitution and Early U.S. Government
Chapter 6 The Era of Good Feelings to the Age of Jackson
Chapter 7 Antebellum Reform Movements
Chapter 8 Antebellum Cultural Movements and Manifest Destiny
Chapter 9 The Mid-Nineteenth Century and the Causes of the Civil War
Chapter 10 The Civil War
Chapter 11 Post–Civil War and Reconstruction
Chapter 12 The Gilded Age and the American West
Chapter 13 U.S. Imperialism and the Progressive Movement
Chapter 14 The First World War and the Roaring Twenties
Chapter 15 The Great Depression and the Second World War
Chapter 16 The Cold War and Postwar America
Chapter 17 Civil Rights, the 1960s, and Vietnam
Chapter 18 End of the Cold War, the 1970s to the Present
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