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ISBN10: 1260141233 | ISBN13: 9781260141238
College English and Business Communication
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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
Chapter 1: Communicating in Everyday Life
Chapter 2: Interpreting Communication
Chapter 3: Communicating Globally
Unit Two: Developing Language Skills
Chapter 4: Exploring Language Elements
Chapter 5: Mastering Nouns and Pronouns
Chapter 6: Expanding Language Skills
Unit Three: Developing Writing Skills
Chapter 7: Applying the Mechanics of Style
Chapter 8: Sharpening Writing Skills
Unit Four: Applying Communication Skills
Chapter 9: Writing E-mails, Memos, and Letters
Chapter 10: Writing Specific Communications
Chapter 11: Preparing and Writing Reports
Unit Five: Communicating in a Business Environment
Chapter 12: Working with Technology
Chapter 13: Communicating With Customers
Chapter 14: Developing Presentation Skills
Unit Six: Searching for Jobs and Writing Resumes
Chapter 15: Searching for Jobs
Chapter 16: Interviewing and Employment Issues
About the Author
Sue Camp
Dr. Sue C. Camp, Professor of Business Administration at Gardner-Webb University, received her doctorate from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, her master’s degree from Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina, and her bachelor’s degree from Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, North Carolina. She has taught business courses for over 40 years, has conducted workshops, and has spoken to civic organizations, teacher associations, and other professional groups who are interested in learning about business communications. She has written many books and enjoys teaching traditional courses and online courses at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels. She is past president of her Rotary Club and is active in local charitable organizations. Her awards include the following: • Women of Achievement Award from the University of Tennessee. • Who’s Who Among American Teachers. • Academic Excellence Award, Gardner-Webb University. • Scholarship Award, Gardner-Webb University. • Gallery of Distinguished Graduates, Gardner-Webb University. • Online Faculty Member of the Year, Gardner-Webb University. • Faculty Hall of Fame, Gardner-Webb University.
Marilyn Satterwhite
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