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ISBN10: 1259920402 | ISBN13: 9781259920400
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Physical Anthropology, has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest analyses, fossil finds, and discoveries in the field of physical anthropology. This full-color text examines human evolution and biology through photos, illustrations, and an exploration of insights gleaned from anthropologists. Students of this text will appreciate the dynamic relationship between humans and their environment over time and develop the skills they need to dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding evolutionary theory.
CHAPTER 1: Investigating the Nature of Humankind
CHAPTER 2: The Study of Heredity
CHAPTER 3: The Modern Study of Human Genetics
CHAPTER 4: Population Genetics
CHAPTER 5: Natural Selection and The Origin of Species
CHAPTER 6: People's Place in Nature
CHAPTER 7: The Living Primates
CHAPTER 8: Comparative Studies: Anatomy and Genetics
CHAPTER 9: Nonhuman Primate Behavior
CHAPTER 10: Human Behavior In Perspective
CHAPTER 11: The Record of the Past
CHAPTER 12: The Early Primate Fossil Record And The Origins Of The Hominins
CHAPTER 13: The Early Hominins
CHAPTER 14: Early Species Of The Genus Homo
CHAPTER 15: The Evolution Of Homo Sapiens
CHAPTER 16: The Biology Of Modern Homo Sapiens
CHAPTER 17: The Analysis Of Human Variation
CHAPTER 18: The Modern World
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