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ISBN10: 0078026873 | ISBN13: 9780078026874
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The Practical Skeptic, a concise introduction to sociology, focuses on core concepts as the central building blocks for understanding sociology. Lisa McIntyre's straightforward, lively style and her emphasis on critical thinking make this an engaging and user-friendly text for students of all levels. Through this conversational narrative, students are able to grasp key sociological concepts and learn the essential lesson that there is much that goes on in the social world that escapes the sociologically untrained eye.
CHAPTER 1: Responding to Chaos: A Brief History of Sociology
CHAPTER 2: The Sociological Eye
CHAPTER 3: Science and Fuzzy Objects: Specialization in Sociology
CHAPTER 4: Who's Afraid of Sociology?
CHAPTER 5: The Vocabulary of Science
CHAPTER 6: Doing Social Research
CHAPTER 7: Culture
CHAPTER 8: Social Structure
CHAPTER 9: Society and Social Institutions
CHAPTER 10: Socialization
CHAPTER 11: Deviance and Social Control
CHAPTER 12: Stratification and Inequality
CHAPTER 13: Inequality and Achievement: Social Class
CHAPTER 14: Inequality and Ascription: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
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