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ISBN10: 1260441512 | ISBN13: 9781260441512
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The business professional’s guide to building success out of failure
Learning from our mistakes is the only way to make sure we don’t make the same ones twice. But what if you could use every failure—large and small—to actually create a successful business, career, and life?
You can.
Fail More provides the knowledge, insight, and tools to do just that. This one-of-a-kind guide teaches you how to take active, strategic measures to turn the sting of failure into the reward of growth. It reveals the setbacks that are both inevitable and valuable, and it delivers practical ways of quickly moving past self-judgment and -recrimination to:
• Create large and small goals
• Establish milestones for achieving them
• Analyze data to determine what worked and what didn't
• Make the necessary corrections to your method
• Determine what you need and adjust accordingly
• Evaluate your actions
• Assess your progress while refining your game plan
• Use failing as a core tool for motivation
By embracing failure, not just “getting past it,” you will fly past your competition, whether you’re building a startup, advancing in your career, or improving your personal life.
The most underrated tool for success is failure. Now, you have a pragmatic program for turning failure today into profits and growth tomorrow.
1 Always Forward:
Achievement Is on the Other Side of Failure
2 The Greats Have Learned the Art of Failing More
3 Recognize Fear
4 Break Through the Obstacles That Limit Success
5 Become a Master of Failure
6 It’s Goal Time: Define and Plan for Success
7 The Road to Success
8 Embrace Risk
9 Success Is a Process, Not a Destination
10 Maintain a Mindset for Continued Success
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