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![Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions 10](
ISBN10: 1260247872 | ISBN13: 9781260247879
![Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions 10](
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
Instructor Information
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For over six decades, the Wild author team has helped accounting students succeed. Accurate and reliable content, paired with innovative digital resources, have resulted in a unique learning system designed to improve student performance.
Wild motivates student interest through an extensive use of real business examples, application of analysis skills, and a highly engaging pedagogical design. Wild prepares students to enter the work force with a practical approach to accounting that ensures a detailed and nuanced view of the skills needed for them to succeed.
Ch. 2 Financial Statements and the Accounting System
Ch. 3 Adjusting Accounts for Financial Statements
Ch. 4 Reporting and Analyzing Merchandising Operations
Ch. 5 Reporting and Analyzing Inventories
Ch. 6 Reporting and Analyzing Cash, Fraud, and Internal Control
Ch. 7 Reporting and Analyzing Receivables
Ch. 8 Reporting and Analyzing Long-Term Assets
Ch. 9 Reporting and Analyzing Current Liabilities
Ch. 10 Reporting and Analyzing Long-Term Liabilities
Ch. 11 Reporting and Analyzing Equity
Ch. 12 Reporting and Analyzing Cash Flows
Ch. 13 Analyzing and Interpreting Financial Statements
A Financial Statement Information
B Applying Present and Future Values
C Investments
CA Chart of Accounts
BR Brief Review
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