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ISBN10: 1264612141 | ISBN13: 9781264612147
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Accelerated coverage of every topic on the 2022 version of the A+ Core 2 exam from CompTIA
Get on the fast track to becoming CompTIA A+ certified with this affordable, portable study tool. Inside, certification training gurus Mike Meyers and Ron Gilster guide you on your exam preparation path, providing expert tips and sound advice along the way. With an intensive focus on only what you need to know to pass the CompTIA A+ 220-1102 exam, this certification passport is your ticket to success on exam day.
- Inside:
- Reviews and descriptions of the major features of Windows 10/11, macOS, and Linux operating systems
- Information and tips on operating systems, networking, and feature configurations
- Enhanced coverage of mobile device setup and troubleshooting
- Enhanced coverage of computer security
- Practice questions and content review after each objective prepare you for exam mastery
- Configure system and application software to work with CPUs, RAM, BIOS, and other personal computer components
- Install, configure, and maintain operating systems and apps
- Set up, upgrade, and maintain Windows 10/11
- Troubleshoot and fix software problems
- Configure and secure mobile device software
- Protect your personal computer and your network
- Properly and safely diagnose, resolve, and document common software issues
- Understand the basics of scripting, cloud technologies, virtualization, and multi-OS deployments in working in home, SOHO, and corporate environments
- Practice exam for 220-1102
- Free sample of video training from Mike Meyers
- Free sample of interactive labs from Mike Meyers
- Mike Meyers’ favorite PC tools and utilities
Domain 2: Security
Domain 3: Software Troubleshooting
Domain 4: Operational Procedures
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