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ISBN10: 0071800085 | ISBN13: 9780071800082
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Design and maintain highly stable electrical power systems
Power Plant Stability, Capacitors, and Grounding is filled with numerical solutions of differential equations to help you solve complex electrical problems regarding the stability of powergenerating systems. After an overview of fundamental electrical engineering concepts, the book focuses on power system stability, high-voltage capacitors, safety, and electrical substation grounding systems.Case studies, problems, and examples are worked out andexplained in great detail. The material presented in this practical guide is essential for the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the vast network of interconnected electrical power systems.
Coverage includes:
* Power system basic knowledge * Power system stability* Transient stability problem in a simple electrical network * Transient stability problem in a multimachine network * High-voltage AC capacitors • Substation grounding* Dangerous electric currents * Ground grid preliminarydesign • Principles of ground mat design * Ground mat design with nonuniform current distribution
Ch 2. Power System Stability
Ch 3. Transient Stability Problem in a Simple Electrical Network
Ch 4. Transient Stability Problem in a Multi-Machine Network
Ch 5. High-Voltage AC Capacitors
Ch 6. Substation Grounding
Ch 7. Dangerous Electric Currents
Ch 8. Ground Grid Preliminary Design
Ch 9. Principles of Ground Mat Design
Ch 10. Ground Mat Design with Non-Uniform Current Distribution
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