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ISBN10: 1260123111 | ISBN13: 9781260123111
* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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A self-contained, reader-friendly introduction to the principles and applications of quantum computing
Especially valuable to those without a prior knowledge of quantum mechanics, this electrical engineering text presents the concepts and workings of quantum information processing systems in a clear, straightforward, and practical manner. The book is written in a style that helps readers who are not familiar with non-classical information processing more easily grasp the essential concepts; only prior exposure to classical physics, basic digital design, and introductory linear algebra is assumed.
Quantum Computing: A Beginner’s Introduction presents each topic in a tutorial style with examples, illustrations, and diagrams to clarify the material. Written by an experienced electrical engineering educator and author, this is a self-contained resource, with all the necessary pre-requisite material included within the text.
Coverage includes:
• Complex Numbers, Vector Space, and Dirac Notation
• Basics of Quantum Mechanics
• Matrices and Operators
• Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates and Quantum Information Processing
• Quantum Gates and Circuit
• Tensor Products, Superposition and Quantum Entanglement
• Teleportation and Superdense Coding
• Quantum Error Correction
• Quantum Algorithms
• Quantum Cryptography
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